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    10/27/2011 8:49 pm

    tkihshbt wrote:

    Max wrote:

    tkihshbt wrote:

    Anthony Bourdain did an episode of "No Reservations" in West Plains, Mo. They got him to eat raccoon. I can't fathom eating rodents. It's just disgusting.

    so why did you kill them and put them in your freezer?!?  practice for when you go all John Wayne Gacy?

    I think you're confusing me with AP.

    I am wrong.  (Artie, Fors, you listenin'?)

    10/27/2011 7:31 pm

    tkihshbt wrote:

    Anthony Bourdain did an episode of "No Reservations" in West Plains, Mo. They got him to eat raccoon. I can't fathom eating rodents. It's just disgusting.

    I trap coons.  It is kind of a new hobby for me.  You trap them, scrape the fat off the hide, dry and sell them.  Why not eat them to?  It is worth a try.

    10/27/2011 7:29 pm

    alz wrote:

    I'm not saying I wouldn't try Squirrel or anything else. Hell I've eaten Squid, Octopus, Goat.... Squirrel is probably fine to eat.

    I'm just saying that hunting them is a little "hoos"! That's all!

    How do you think they get Squid and Octopus?

    10/27/2011 6:35 pm

    Max wrote:

    tkihshbt wrote:

    Anthony Bourdain did an episode of "No Reservations" in West Plains, Mo. They got him to eat raccoon. I can't fathom eating rodents. It's just disgusting.

    so why did you kill them and put them in your freezer?!?  practice for when you go all John Wayne Gacy?

    I think you're confusing me with AP.

    10/27/2011 5:59 pm

    APRTW wrote:

    Tell me that doesnt look tasty.

    What the HELL is that???

    10/27/2011 5:58 pm

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    "Hell I've eaten Squid"

    Squid is delicious. The only reason it's called calimari in Italian restuarants is because no one would order it if it was listed on a menu as squid.

    anything soaked in oil and garlic is delicious, but I can think of things I'd rather eat than something that has the texture of a rubber band.

    10/27/2011 5:57 pm

    alz wrote:

    I'm not saying I wouldn't try Squirrel or anything else. Hell I've eaten Squid, Octopus, Goat.... Squirrel is probably fine to eat.

    I'm just saying that hunting them is a little "hoos"! That's all!

    A little?!?  Ya think??

    Squid, octopus, and goat can all be bought at the store or ordered off the menu . . . maybe not octopus so much.  Squirrel and raccoon are bona fide bush meat.

    10/27/2011 5:54 pm

    tkihshbt wrote:

    Anthony Bourdain did an episode of "No Reservations" in West Plains, Mo. They got him to eat raccoon. I can't fathom eating rodents. It's just disgusting.

    so why did you kill them and put them in your freezer?!?  practice for when you go all John Wayne Gacy?

    10/27/2011 4:39 pm

    Anthony Bourdain did an episode of "No Reservations" in West Plains, Mo. They got him to eat raccoon. I can't fathom eating rodents. It's just disgusting.

    10/27/2011 1:28 pm

    "Hell I've eaten Squid"

    Squid is delicious. The only reason it's called calimari in Italian restuarants is because no one would order it if it was listed on a menu as squid.

    10/27/2011 1:02 pm

    I'm not saying I wouldn't try Squirrel or anything else. Hell I've eaten Squid, Octopus, Goat.... Squirrel is probably fine to eat.

    I'm just saying that hunting them is a little "hoos"! That's all!

    10/27/2011 11:35 am

    "Tell me that doesnt look tasty."

    Knowing it's squirrel, I just can't.

    10/27/2011 11:34 am

    "You people who are closed minded to eating stuff that doesnt come pre packaged are missing out on life."

    You may be right, and I'd probably never eat another hamburger if I went to one of those plants where beef is processed, but that's why we have supermarkets, right?

    10/27/2011 11:28 am

    "it is hard to get them in the freezer alive."

    But probably a lot more fun.

    10/27/2011 10:39 am

    Tell me that doesnt look tasty.

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