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    11/07/2012 11:55 am

    and actually, to continue the story, I got a kidney stone during the middle of the performance, had to stop in the middle of a song we were playing, and she had to take me to the emergency room, and sit with me in the hospital for a few hours, wearing that dress.

    11/07/2012 1:38 am

    I have been my wife's main fashion consultant since very early on.  When we take the stage together to perform, the dress she wears does affect me a bit. 

    --Sane and married 15+ years

    11/06/2012 12:34 pm

    Max wrote:

    of course they say, "Oh, I love your dress."  Only your husband, who loves, you, will tell you to change, and even then at great risk of facing a temper tantrum.

    I like food and sex to much to do anything this stupid.

    11/06/2012 10:38 am

    alz wrote:

    Max wrote:

    of course they say, "Oh, I love your dress."  Only your husband, who loves, you, will tell you to change, and even then at great risk of facing a temper tantrum.

    I know of no husbands that would say this. Mostly because it won't affect them in the least if the woman went out wearing a yeti costume. No other man is going to care enough to go up to the husband and say, "what the hell is your wife wearing?" Until that happens, no husband will take enough of an interest to risk her wrath by having an opinion.

    Well... no sane man.


    11/06/2012 10:12 am

    Max wrote:

    of course they say, "Oh, I love your dress."  Only your husband, who loves, you, will tell you to change, and even then at great risk of facing a temper tantrum.

    I know of no husbands that would say this. Mostly because it won't affect them in the least if the woman went out wearing a yeti costume. No other man is going to care enough to go up to the husband and say, "what the hell is your wife wearing?" Until that happens, no husband will take enough of an interest to risk her wrath by having an opinion.

    Well... no sane man.

    11/05/2012 7:15 pm

    of course they say, "Oh, I love your dress."  Only your husband, who loves, you, will tell you to change, and even then at great risk of facing a temper tantrum.

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