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    Topic review (newest first):

    12/21/2012 12:20 pm

    I hope both side listen to eachother and take the best of what each has to say.

    12/21/2012 10:12 am

    I wanted to point out one statement that simple isnt true.  I read it before but forgot to post on it.  This statement was made by Sen Joe Manchin.  Artie spoke of him earlier on being one of the pro gun people changing his views.  It is statements like this that make the progun world ignore the anitgun world.  ARs are commenly used to hunt coyotes and other predators.  I am not saying there isnt other guns that would work but to say nobody uses them is an uneducated statement.

    "“I don’t know anyone in the sporting or hunting arena that goes out with an assault rifle. I don’t know anybody that needs 30 rounds in a clip to go hunting. I mean, these are things that need to be talked about,† said Senator Manchin on Monday"

    12/19/2012 4:05 pm

    "What kind of a sick asshole posts shit like that?"

    That's the nature of the internet at large Fors. I play hockey and other games over my XBox live account, and have had a number of online games take up my time (world of warcraft being the largest). The things that are said are .... just absolutely out of control.

    F**got (a word you nearly never hear unless a fight is about to erupt) is commonplace. N**ger is as well, which I can't even type out without feeling guilty...

    What was meant for gamer communication is immediately used as a ear blowing soundoff where someone will turn on some god awful song, and blast it. So you end up muting chat entirely. Why? Because some dude took 15 seconds too long to hit A and ready up, and some dude called him a f**got, then he replied revealing an accent, and the racism took place. So now he's trolling the entire game, trying to score on his own goalie, and I'm stuck listening to a blasted out version of "Barbie Girl" coming over his 4.99 headset.

    People certainly take advantage of being anonymous. I wonder sometimes what it would be like if people were required to post identity // location information to be online... Bad in some ways (No woman would ever be online), but good in others (People would be a bit more respectful).

    12/19/2012 3:21 pm

    "What kind of a sick asshole posts shit like that?"

    Tollbooth Scofflaw?

    12/19/2012 2:24 pm

    "It lends more credence to Fors' suggestion that some of these morons are just seeking attention."

    There's a story in the Post Dispatch about an elderly lady who has been receiving harassing phone calls because her phone number was leaked by the hackers group Anonymous as being attached to someone who had set up a fake Twitter account titled @blastinkids and pretending to be the shooter.

    Ironically, I heard about the twitter account before the news story because someone posted a link about it on Rivals' recruiting message board that I sometimes frequent.  Anonymous believed it identified the source of the twitter account and posted the person's name, address, phone number, employer's name, etc...  Obviously Anonymous got it wrong, and it's a shame this elderly woman had to incur the wrath of this sick bastard's conduct.  Here's a sample of the tweets this asshole posted.

    - I just got really tired about hearin' about Hurricane Sandy. I thought we needed some new shit to happen. Fvckin' relax, you guys.

    - Shut the fvck up and go fingerpaint with that little bloody queer that's over there slouched in the corner with his kidneys on his lap.

    - The bullets in your stomach go BANG BANG BANG. BANG BANG BANG. BANG BANG BANG.  The bullets in your stomach go BANG BANG BANG

    What kind of a sick asshole posts shit like that?

    12/19/2012 2:16 pm

    I am seriously thinking of jumping on the bandwagon and just buying the AR I want now.  I have no use for it but I dont want the government to tell me I cant buy it in a year.

    12/19/2012 1:35 pm

    Yeah a buddy of mine went out last night and bought up a buttload of super devastating ammo. Hollowpoint with a center ball and steel tips in it. Designed to basically explode in whatever it hits. I'll have to get specifics, but he was afraid there would be no possibility of owning it later.

    12/19/2012 12:39 pm

    "However the fact that there is someone with a gun and title in the school might keep someone from attempting something stupid."

    I'm not even sure the guy in my town is armed. It would be kind of scary if he was. He's kind of the hackneyed donut eating caricature of a cop that's something out of the Simpsons.
    I've noticed a cop car parked in front of the high school the past couple of days. Not sure if it was routinely there before the events of last Friday, but it's probably not the worst thing in the world. I can't believe there have been copycat idiots out there who have been calling and texting threats to schools since Newtown. It lends more credence to Fors' suggestion that some of these morons are just seeking attention.

    12/19/2012 12:22 pm

    tkihshbt wrote:

    I have no idea why we have people in this country talking about arming teachers and principals instead of just putting more police in schools.

    I get the idea but it is a dumb one.

    12/19/2012 12:16 pm

    I have no idea why we have people in this country talking about arming teachers and principals instead of just putting more police in schools.

    12/19/2012 12:09 pm

    alz wrote:

    Fors, you remind me of my dad in a lot of ways. I grew up around his unlocked rifles, pistols, a crossbow, and a compound bow. I was entrusted with a 22 rifle, and was charged with it's maintenance and care as well as responsible shooting. Early on, Dad laid down the rules.

    1) If you touch any gun of mine without me approving this contact, I will beat you senseless.
    2) If you disrespect the gun of yours in any fashion, let it hit the ground, point it at anything other than a target, I will beat you senseless.
    3) If you ever have the safety on that gun off before you're preparing to shoot, I will beat you senseless.
    4) If you ever have a magazine in the gun before you're preparing to shoot, I will beat you senseless.
    5) If you shoot it, you clean it. If you don't, the gun belongs to me.

    I never got beat, and somehow he managed to instill the proper amount of fear and respect in me immediately without ever needing one. What followed were summers of fun for a 10-14 year old like you could not believe. I was able to shoot bullets!!! Unsupervised!!! The only time I ever aggravated my dad on the subject of weapons was when I was trying to use his compound bow and clearly couldn't draw it. He told me to stop, and I tried again because I desperately wanted to shoot it. He took it, loaded an arrow and shot it into a mcdonalds arc into a field of hay, and told me I couldn't come back inside until I found the arrow.

    I did find it, after about an hour of wandering through that goddamned field and I never touched that bow again.

    I could do whatever I wanted with our guns for the most part.  Honestly I had no use for them unless I was hunting something.  The olny trouble I got into is my moms finch feeder had BB holes in it.  I killed the shit out of birds.  Well i guess I got in trouble this winter.  I was shooting at a sparrow out our bathroom window with an airsoft gun.  It kept making a nest on my garage light.  I also was in lack of entertainment while staying home with the kids.  I busted out the glass pannels in the light.  I finally got the bird tho.  My wife thought I was being childish.  what a kill-joy.

    12/19/2012 12:04 pm

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    Someone (AP?) a day or two ago mentioned the school resource programs in schools. The city in which I work has two SROs, and from what I understand the programs and services are pretty good. The town in which I live, on the other hand, put an aging officer in the SRO position to keep him off the street until he retires.
    I asked my son this morning who he'd go to if he had a problem in school. He said he'd go to his guidance counselor first, and then to the principal (who is very visible in his school), and he'd never think about going to the SRO because - his words - he's "full of hot air."
    Just an observation. I suppose like anything else you get out of a program what you put into it.

    Very very true.  However the fact that there is someone with a gun and title in the school might keep someone from attempting something stupid.  You can never measure the crime that is deterred.  An effective SRO has to be less police like and more school administrator like.  They have to remain freindly enough with the kids that the kids will walk in there office and tell them what is going on.  It wouldnt be easy.  The guy that did it in our community kind of sucked as a cop to be honest but did an awesome job as SRO.  The thing I saw was that alot of discipline was passed off to him that the school should have delt with.  He cared about the kids, was involved in school activities and stayed in the loop.  back to the deterring thing.  I doubt having an SRO in our community stop a school shooting.  You never know but I doubt it would have happend.  however how much drug activity did it stop?  How many kids walk alittle straighter line because they thought maybe the likelyhood of getting caught was greater?

    12/19/2012 11:55 am

    Fors, you remind me of my dad in a lot of ways. I grew up around his unlocked rifles, pistols, a crossbow, and a compound bow. I was entrusted with a 22 rifle, and was charged with it's maintenance and care as well as responsible shooting. Early on, Dad laid down the rules.

    1) If you touch any gun of mine without me approving this contact, I will beat you senseless.
    2) If you disrespect the gun of yours in any fashion, let it hit the ground, point it at anything other than a target, I will beat you senseless.
    3) If you ever have the safety on that gun off before you're preparing to shoot, I will beat you senseless.
    4) If you ever have a magazine in the gun before you're preparing to shoot, I will beat you senseless.
    5) If you shoot it, you clean it. If you don't, the gun belongs to me.

    I never got beat, and somehow he managed to instill the proper amount of fear and respect in me immediately without ever needing one. What followed were summers of fun for a 10-14 year old like you could not believe. I was able to shoot bullets!!! Unsupervised!!! The only time I ever aggravated my dad on the subject of weapons was when I was trying to use his compound bow and clearly couldn't draw it. He told me to stop, and I tried again because I desperately wanted to shoot it. He took it, loaded an arrow and shot it into a mcdonalds arc into a field of hay, and told me I couldn't come back inside until I found the arrow.

    I did find it, after about an hour of wandering through that goddamned field and I never touched that bow again.

    12/19/2012 11:54 am

    Another question I have is what does an AR ban do to make the school safer in the near future?  Sure it would limit the amount of ARs out there of the course of time.  However as the link I posted stated the latest proposed AR ban doesnt require turning in guns that are already owned or buying and selling used guns.  If you want an AR you could still buy a used one.  the demand will go up.  The price will go up but does a crazy that is going to kill himself anyway care if he pays 1200 or 3200 for the gun?

    In my mind there is olny one way to make schools safer.  People are going to have to physically do it.  Security guards, armed or not, cops or not, need to be posted at each door open to the public in every school in America.  No one should be able to come or go from a school without passing a security check point.  If school can pay a PE teacher or drivers ED teacher full teachers salary I think they can find the money to at least pay some security man 10 bucks an hour.

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