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    2/18/2013 4:49 pm

    APIAD wrote:

    it sounds like he worked for what he got...that is impressive

    Well, I suppose real estate speculation 50 years ago in southern California was about as easy as betting on the sun coming up tomorrow, but Buss was one of the guys who opened his wallet, so I guess he deserves credit for that.
    This is of course coming from a guy who rooted for the Celtics, but Buss always struck me as one of those insufferable jock-sniffing owners who needed to be around colorful people because his own personality was so gray and dingy.

    2/18/2013 2:08 pm

    it sounds like he worked for what he got...that is impressive

    2/18/2013 1:54 pm

    APIAD wrote:


    ive been reading alittle on him.  he lived a pretty interesting life

    I always got the impression he wanted to be equal parts George Steinbrenner and Hugh Hefner, but he wasn't enough of a narcissist to be the former, he didn't have enough charisma to be the latter.

    2/18/2013 1:15 pm


    ive been reading alittle on him.  he lived a pretty interesting life

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