forsberg_us wrote:
Max wrote:
. . . Annette Funicello.
Breaking story.For some reason I assumed this was for Margaret Thatcher.
forsberg_us wrote:
Max wrote:
. . . Annette Funicello.
Breaking story.For some reason I assumed this was for Margaret Thatcher.
I think that's what Max wanted us to think.
You gotta at least admit Annette's orthodonture was superior to Thatcher's.
Max wrote:
. . . Annette Funicello.
Breaking story.
For some reason I assumed this was for Margaret Thatcher.
artie_fufkin wrote:
Max wrote:
. . . Annette Funicello.
Breaking story.No! She was apparently as decent a person as the characters she played in those beach movies.
What you said: "No! She was apparently as decent a person as the characters she played in those beach movies."
What I read: "No! She was apparently as decent a person as the characters she played そのビーチ映画で"
Max wrote:
. . . Annette Funicello.
Breaking story.
No! She was apparently as decent a person as the characters she played in those beach movies.
. . . Annette Funicello.
Breaking story.