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    Topic review (newest first):

    4/19/2013 10:20 am

    Max wrote:

    It's been so long since I watched football that, as I posted it, I momententarily confused him with Keith Jackson.  Both are good, I might give the nod to jackson for whom I preferred.  But there was never competition as Jackson was college.

    Jackson did Monday Night Football the first year, but after Cosell set his pants on fire with his cigar in the booth one night, he asked to go back to college football. 

    4/19/2013 12:48 am

    It's been so long since I watched football that, as I posted it, I momententarily confused him with Keith Jackson.  Both are good, I might give the nod to jackson for whom I preferred.  But there was never competition as Jackson was college.

    4/17/2013 9:12 am

    Definitely miss listening to Summerall. RIP. Best football voice ever.

    4/17/2013 8:47 am

    Max wrote:

    made watching football a real pleasure.  

    All broadcasters should learn from him that you don't have to use 100 words to describe something when 20 will suffice. And we shouldn't forget he was a pretty decent NFL player before he ever set foot in a broadcasting booth.

    4/17/2013 2:09 am

    made watching football a real pleasure.  

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