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    Topic review (newest first):

    5/07/2013 9:08 pm

    Max wrote:

    "then I saw the "Cleveland" dateline."


    Where was Silence of the Lambs set?

    I've tried to put that entire series out of my mind after I saw the second movie when Lechter fries Ray Liotta's brain and serves it to him. Totally skivved me out.

    5/07/2013 7:35 pm

    "then I saw the "Cleveland" dateline."


    Where was Silence of the Lambs set?

    5/07/2013 9:50 am

    I was going to respond that the entire thing seems so totally bizarre it can't be true, but then I saw the "Cleveland" dateline.

    5/06/2013 10:08 pm

    many years when you probably wished you'd fallen off a cliff and been eaten by vultures.

    It's fun to listen to the interview.  The reporter appears to have gotten uncomfortable when the man brought race into it:

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