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    Topic review (newest first):

    12/07/2010 9:18 am

    "Fair Hooker?  I haven't met one yet."

    That's the one. Well done.

    12/06/2010 6:57 pm

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    I don't remember Meredith as a player, but I witnessed easily the most memorable moment of his broadcasting career. My dad let me stay up late one Monday night to watch the Raiders play the Oilers in Houston. The Oilers were dreadful, and there were probably about 30,000 people in the Astrodome. The Raiders blew out the Oilers, and late in the game the camera panned to a miserable, lonely Oilers' fan who had an entire section of the upper deck to himself. When OilerFan realized the camera was on him, he flashed his middle finger, to which Meredith commented "He thinks the Oilers are number one."
    (Remember, this was the early '70s, when obscene finger gestures on live TV were a shocking event.)

    There was also the "Fair Hooker" line, but I don't know that one verbatim.

    "Fair Hooker?  I haven't met one yet."

    12/06/2010 5:53 pm

    I remember him for a guest spot he did on "King of the Hill." Really good episode.

    12/06/2010 12:30 pm

    I don't remember Meredith as a player, but I witnessed easily the most memorable moment of his broadcasting career. My dad let me stay up late one Monday night to watch the Raiders play the Oilers in Houston. The Oilers were dreadful, and there were probably about 30,000 people in the Astrodome. The Raiders blew out the Oilers, and late in the game the camera panned to a miserable, lonely Oilers' fan who had an entire section of the upper deck to himself. When OilerFan realized the camera was on him, he flashed his middle finger, to which Meredith commented "He thinks the Oilers are number one."
    (Remember, this was the early '70s, when obscene finger gestures on live TV were a shocking event.)

    There was also the "Fair Hooker" line, but I don't know that one verbatim.

    12/06/2010 11:44 am

    Strange timing:

    I was thinking about him early this morning as I watched the weather channel and some guy reporting from Erie, Pa.  For some reason I thought about an interview/profile program that Howard Cosell did with him in the Mid-Seventies when Meredith had decided to retire from Monday night football broadcasts and to focus mainly on acting.  At that time, he was living in Pa. and one of the discussions he had with Cosell was about what liked about living there (tradition), something I strongly identified with from having recently moved from Boston to Oklahoma City.

    I was listening to the SMU game when he broke into the starting line-up as a Sophomore in the late 50's and how unstoppable he seemed running a spread offense, which was virtually unheard of at the time.  I think it was the next year that Arkansas managed to knock him out, literally, and then finally beat SMU.  Most sports fans, including those in Dallas, were pretty hard him and didn't appreciate how much he was playing in pain.  I recall an Esquire magazine article from around 1966 on pro-football injuries and they use a full page diagram showing the injuries on various parts of his body that Meredith had suffered.

    I not only liked him a lot when he was in the booth but thought he was a much better actor than he was ever given credit for.

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