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    Topic review (newest first):

    12/11/2016 10:16 pm

    Cinnabuch wrote:

    Is it possible that she spoke with Dave about you and Dave paying something  towards the one night stay?

    Wft is the deal?  Randomness

    12/11/2016 8:23 pm

    Is it possible that she spoke with Dave about you and Dave paying something  towards the one night stay?

    8/16/2015 1:31 pm

    Yeah, still a pretty big deal to make it that far.

    8/16/2015 10:41 am

    Still sounds like a hell of an adventure. Admirable!

    8/15/2015 2:27 pm

    Well, he had to abandon his trip.

    They were nearing the North Dakota/South Dakota border when he had an incident with his dog. They were camped, and the dog ran into the river to swim. Problem was it didn't see a broken tree branch under the water and ended up impaling itself on the branch. He ended up having to paddle to the nearest town where he met with a conservation agent and a vet. They were able to save the dog, but Craig felt it was too risky for the dog to continue. Ironically, he found a job in North Dakota, so they're going to hang there for a few months before coming back to St. Louis.

    7/22/2015 8:37 am

    New posts last night.  He's somewhere north of Bismark, North Dakota.

    7/07/2015 2:21 pm

    Yeah he's still going. He hasn't posted anything on Facebook since the 4th. He was hoping to enter into North Dakota sometime early this week.

    Looking at the map, the Missouri winds a lot where he's at. The river does a lot of north/south to move east. On the map it looks like a rollar coaster.

    7/07/2015 1:43 pm

    Is ur buddy still making it.

    7/02/2015 11:48 pm

    APIAD wrote:

    I must have missed this.   Congrats to your friend on completing 30 years and taking on this task.  2 weeks and 150 miles is a long time.  He must have the skill set to complete it.  I wish him luck.  I am on the river 2 days a week in the summer.  Im not sure id do it in a jon boat, let alone a canoe.  Im jealous of his ambition.

    He spent a couple of days teaching his dog to sit still, and he had at least one day with a bad storm. The last time he posted he was almost to North Dakota and had covered about 300 miles total. He's taking his time, enjoying the countryside and looks like he's having a blast.

    7/02/2015 6:15 pm

    I must have missed this.   Congrats to your friend on completing 30 years and taking on this task.  2 weeks and 150 miles is a long time.  He must have the skill set to complete it.  I wish him luck.  I am on the river 2 days a week in the summer.  Im not sure id do it in a jon boat, let alone a canoe.  Im jealous of his ambition.

    6/26/2015 7:30 pm

    Admirable. And supposedly a beautiful part of the country.

    6/25/2015 11:32 pm

    About 6 weeks ago, a friend with whom I worked at the police department retired. He had bounced between U. City, St. Louis City and St. Louis County, but all total he had about 30 years on the job. Anyway, I'm at his retirement party and I asked him what he planned to do in retirement. Mind you, he had been drinking most of the evening, and could barely stand up, but he started on this long story about taking his dog to Montana, buying a canoe and canoeing down the Missouri River back to St. Louis ala Lewis and Clark. I laughed, attributed the story to too much alcohol and paid it little attention.

    Today I'm perusing through Facebook, and I find a few dozen pictures and several blog entries from this guy. Turns out he was serious. He drove to Loma, Montana and has been canoeing the Missouri for about 2 weeks--just him and his dog. He's made it about 150 miles and has been stopping and hiking/camping at a number of conservation areas along the way. He just finished an area called the Upper Missouri River Breaks and he's almost to the point where the river runs into Fort Peck Lake.

    He's absolutely nuts, but if that's what you really enjoy (and this totally fits his personality to a T) what an adventure.

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