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    Topic review (newest first):

    1/23/2016 11:55 am

    Not that I want the good people in the mid-Atlantic states to get buried, but after last winter, I'm glad this storm is missing us.

    1/21/2016 9:14 pm

    Local forecast had been downgraded to between 1-3 inches. Fuck off, Jonas.

    1/21/2016 1:00 pm

    I couldnt deal with city traffic.  I get annoyed if I have to wait on more then one car at the 4way intersection in my village.

    1/20/2016 11:04 am

    It started snowing yesterday around 3.  I was supposed to have Madison somewhere by 6, so I left work at 4:30, figuring that my normally 20 minute drive would double or, at worst, triple and I'd be home in time to get her.

    It ended up taking me 90 minutes to drive 15 miles, all of which was highway.

    On the news last night, MoDOT's explanation for the highway conditions was that they weren't sure whether the snow would be wet or dry, so they were unsure whether or not to apply chemical.  So naturally, the geniuses at MoDOT opted to not apply the chemicals.  In spots, the highway was like a sheet of ice.  Cars were literally having a difficult time navigating small uphill stretches of highway because they simply had no traction.

    So for you MoDOT, I have only one thing to say

    1/19/2016 9:58 pm

    I kind of thought you guys were pretty good with snow. My buddy from college moved to Atlanta a few years ago and he says an inch of snow cripples the city for three days. Of course, they don't treat the roads with chemical the way we do and they don't have as much snow removal equipment, but I don't even bother shoveling anymore unless we get at least half a foot.

    1/19/2016 1:14 pm

    The ante has been up'd from ~1 inch to 1-4 according to

    It really pisses me off that they just change the forecast without some type of history of what they originally called. If we get 4 inches of snow, I'll agree it was significant enough to consider staying out of traffic. People here can't drive in the snow for shit.

    1/19/2016 12:10 pm

    alz wrote:

    That is true about schools.... We don't even have to actually have weather for schools to panic and close. I want to say one time last winter, there was a threat of 12 inches of snow and every other school in the region closed. We received no snow....

    Maybe they didnt have enough bathrooms open and the kids were pissing in there milk cartons, leaving them lay around. 

    1/19/2016 12:08 pm

    forsberg_us wrote:

    APIAD wrote:

    School is bs no matter if the weather is nice or not.  Seems like there is a teachers institution every month.  Just leave the kids in school all day.

    Yeah, there's that too. My kids returned from winter break on the 5th. They had last Friday off (meaning they had a 4-day weekend) because of a "Staff Development Day."  What do they need to developed when they've only been back 8 days?

    We had the same thing but it was on a Wednesday.   I guess they needed a mid week break. 


    1/19/2016 10:23 am

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    I swear to fucking god the weather bunny on channel 7 last night was gushing about how much snow we haven't had so far this year and I wake up this morning and now we're supposed to get a fucking foot of that shit this weekend. Fucking jinx. This is how is started last year. We had bare ground until the middle of January and then we got 100 fucking inches in a fucking month. I hate this shit. If it were up to me, I'd live in a place that never gets snow. 
    And fuck the Cubs, too.

    You forgot

    Fuck you Heyward!!!!

    1/19/2016 10:03 am

    I swear to fucking god the weather bunny on channel 7 last night was gushing about how much snow we haven't had so far this year and I wake up this morning and now we're supposed to get a fucking foot of that shit this weekend. Fucking jinx. This is how is started last year. We had bare ground until the middle of January and then we got 100 fucking inches in a fucking month. I hate this shit. If it were up to me, I'd live in a place that never gets snow. 
    And fuck the Cubs, too.

    1/19/2016 8:57 am

    That is true about schools.... We don't even have to actually have weather for schools to panic and close. I want to say one time last winter, there was a threat of 12 inches of snow and every other school in the region closed. We received no snow....

    1/19/2016 12:31 am

    APIAD wrote:

    School is bs no matter if the weather is nice or not.  Seems like there is a teachers institution every month.  Just leave the kids in school all day.

    Yeah, there's that too. My kids returned from winter break on the 5th. They had last Friday off (meaning they had a 4-day weekend) because of a "Staff Development Day."  What do they need to developed when they've only been back 8 days?

    1/18/2016 10:15 pm

    School is bs no matter if the weather is nice or not.  Seems like there is a teachers institution every month.  Just leave the kids in school all day.

    1/18/2016 7:58 pm


    I didn't know there was snow coming either, but let throw one possible scenario out there.

    Schools have gotten stupid in terms of cancelling due to minimal snow. That can cause problems. If a parent asked to work from home if his/her kid was kept home, I could understand that.

    I would agree, however that one inch isn't anywhere near enough for a grown person to refuse to go to work.

    1/18/2016 3:43 pm

    I get this email.... 

    Working from home questions are coming to me fast and furious due to the SNOW forecast.  Let me remind everyone of the work at home approach:  

    • All associates and contractors are expected to be at work  when the campus is open for business.  You should always call the SNOW hotline number just to be sure the campus is open before coming to work.  
    • No one will be penalized for coming in late or waiting until later to come into the office when weather conditions affect normal commute schedules.  
    • Just put yourself in the position of management where we are required to treat all associates equal.  It is very difficult to allow some associates to work from home while others come into work. 
    • If safety is your concern, take a PTO.   Otherwise you are expected to be in the office.

    Please talk with your Manager individually if you have any questions or concerns with this communication.  
    Billy's Director. 

    So with that in mind, I'm like "Hey we got snow coming???" So I go to look. Starting tomorrow afternoon/evening we're expecting around 1 inch of snow... Let me repeat that for Artie to make sure he knows I didn't typo the amount... Starting tomorrow afternoon/evening we're expecting around 1 inch of snow. And this kicked off enough "Can I work from home tomorrow" questions that my director felt an email was needed to keep us in line.....

    Seriously... I have been here for a long time, but I still remember Oregon winters vividly, where 2 feet of snow wasn't even enough for your parent to drive you to the bus stop so you could stay warm while catching the bus.....

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