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    7/27/2016 11:00 am

    forsberg_us wrote:

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    My buddy Harry got back to me. He went to Oberlin, not Denison. Apparently, confusing the two is the Ohio version of asking a Harvard grad if he went to Yale.
    Another Christmas card I won't be getting this year.

    LMAO!!  Wasn't Harry someone you used to coach with?  Name sounds familiar.

    Different Harry. This one is from high school. I should have remembered he went to Oberlin because he was really into music and Oberlin has one of the best music departments in the country.

    7/26/2016 10:41 pm

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    My buddy Harry got back to me. He went to Oberlin, not Denison. Apparently, confusing the two is the Ohio version of asking a Harvard grad if he went to Yale.
    Another Christmas card I won't be getting this year.

    LMAO!!  Wasn't Harry someone you used to coach with?  Name sounds familiar.

    7/26/2016 3:40 pm

    My buddy Harry got back to me. He went to Oberlin, not Denison. Apparently, confusing the two is the Ohio version of asking a Harvard grad if he went to Yale.
    Another Christmas card I won't be getting this year.

    7/25/2016 6:48 pm

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    forsberg_us wrote:

    Bob and I went on a college visit today at Denison University just outside of Columbus, Ohio. The first half of our tour was meeting members of the football coaching staff, followed by a campus tour through the Admissions office.

    Our tour guide was a young black female who introduced herself and said she was majoring in Feminism and Women's Studies.

    After the tour, I sent my wife a text to let her know we were headed home and mentioned our tour guide and her major. I asked the question "what sort of job do you think she ends up with for her $150K education.

    My wife, who is rarely funny and even more rarely quick in responding answered: "she'll be terminally angry and like to argue.  She'll probably end up a lawyer."

    Damn, she got me on that one.

    I have a friend from high school who went to Denison. Do you want me to contact him and see if he'll reach out to Bob? He's a really good guy.

    Once I get a better handle on his interest I may take you up on that. It was a really nice campus. He isn't sure it's an academic fit, and he wasn't thrilled with the absence of air conditioning in the dorms.

    7/25/2016 4:36 pm

    forsberg_us wrote:

    Bob and I went on a college visit today at Denison University just outside of Columbus, Ohio. The first half of our tour was meeting members of the football coaching staff, followed by a campus tour through the Admissions office.

    Our tour guide was a young black female who introduced herself and said she was majoring in Feminism and Women's Studies.

    After the tour, I sent my wife a text to let her know we were headed home and mentioned our tour guide and her major. I asked the question "what sort of job do you think she ends up with for her $150K education.

    My wife, who is rarely funny and even more rarely quick in responding answered: "she'll be terminally angry and like to argue.  She'll probably end up a lawyer."

    Damn, she got me on that one.

    I have a friend from high school who went to Denison. Do you want me to contact him and see if he'll reach out to Bob? He's a really good guy.

    7/25/2016 12:13 pm

    Bob and I went on a college visit today at Denison University just outside of Columbus, Ohio. The first half of our tour was meeting members of the football coaching staff, followed by a campus tour through the Admissions office.

    Our tour guide was a young black female who introduced herself and said she was majoring in Feminism and Women's Studies.

    After the tour, I sent my wife a text to let her know we were headed home and mentioned our tour guide and her major. I asked the question "what sort of job do you think she ends up with for her $150K education.

    My wife, who is rarely funny and even more rarely quick in responding answered: "she'll be terminally angry and like to argue.  She'll probably end up a lawyer."

    Damn, she got me on that one.

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