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    3/02/2011 10:47 am

    Not to be outdone, a family of Dutch decided they would sail the East African seas.

    They are now captives.


    2/23/2011 3:16 pm

    alz wrote:

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    tkihshbt wrote:

    I concur with Darth. The Gulf of Aden is bordered by a handful of failed states and that area is the most dangerous part of the world for military ships. What were these people possibly thinking sailing into that? Good grief.

    They're religious zealots. There is no rationale thought involved.

    I nearly spit camel milk all over my Qur'an reading this. Happy jihad to all.

    I know. What a shitty typo that was. Sorry you were offended.

    2/23/2011 1:38 pm

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    tkihshbt wrote:

    I concur with Darth. The Gulf of Aden is bordered by a handful of failed states and that area is the most dangerous part of the world for military ships. What were these people possibly thinking sailing into that? Good grief.

    They're religious zealots. There is no rationale thought involved.

    I nearly spit camel milk all over my Qur'an reading this. Happy jihad to all.

    2/23/2011 1:03 pm

    tkihshbt wrote:

    I concur with Darth. The Gulf of Aden is bordered by a handful of failed states and that area is the most dangerous part of the world for military ships. What were these people possibly thinking sailing into that? Good grief.

    They're religious zealots. There is no rationale thought involved.

    2/23/2011 12:14 pm

    I concur with Darth. The Gulf of Aden is bordered by a handful of failed states and that area is the most dangerous part of the world for military ships. What were these people possibly thinking sailing into that? Good grief.

    2/23/2011 11:49 am

    forsberg_us wrote:

    alz wrote:

    APRTW wrote:

    Fine I will cancel my garden walk in Baghdad.

    This would be wise. If you need me I'll be hiking suspiciously in Iran. What could be better?

    Running a marathon through the streets of Tripoli.

    Manning a "Sausage and Suds" cart in Mogadishu.

    2/23/2011 11:39 am

    alz wrote:

    APRTW wrote:

    alz wrote:

    Now. This isn't amazing news, and shouldn't shock anyone. What does shock me is that people are cruising the Eastern coasts of Africa. This is maybe the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

    I'm not excusing pirates for taking ships or killing folks, but they are pirates. Stop fucking sailing around there. I understand cargo vessels, but liesure cruising or sailing??? You're kind of asking for this.

    It's painfully clear that there will be no fixing this issue without resort to something brtual against either the nation of Somalia, or the pirates that are captured. I would make use of the fact that anyone committing a crime against humanity caught in open water is not entitled to any right or priviledge enjoyed by an American citizen. I would torture them relentlessly in an effort to find and captureas many as possible. They can negotiate for an immediate death by surrendering information useful in capturing more pirates. Or we can tie them to a mast and let them slowly die of exposure, then toss them in the sea.

    Barbaric, but there is no peaceful solution with people of this nature.

    Fine I will cancel my garden walk in Baghdad.

    This would be wise. If you need me I'll be hiking suspiciously in Iran. What could be better?

    Running a marathon through the streets of Tripoli.

    2/23/2011 10:00 am

    APRTW wrote:

    alz wrote:

    Now. This isn't amazing news, and shouldn't shock anyone. What does shock me is that people are cruising the Eastern coasts of Africa. This is maybe the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

    I'm not excusing pirates for taking ships or killing folks, but they are pirates. Stop fucking sailing around there. I understand cargo vessels, but liesure cruising or sailing??? You're kind of asking for this.

    It's painfully clear that there will be no fixing this issue without resort to something brtual against either the nation of Somalia, or the pirates that are captured. I would make use of the fact that anyone committing a crime against humanity caught in open water is not entitled to any right or priviledge enjoyed by an American citizen. I would torture them relentlessly in an effort to find and captureas many as possible. They can negotiate for an immediate death by surrendering information useful in capturing more pirates. Or we can tie them to a mast and let them slowly die of exposure, then toss them in the sea.

    Barbaric, but there is no peaceful solution with people of this nature.

    Fine I will cancel my garden walk in Baghdad.

    This would be wise. If you need me I'll be hiking suspiciously in Iran. What could be better?

    2/23/2011 9:41 am

    alz wrote:

    Now. This isn't amazing news, and shouldn't shock anyone. What does shock me is that people are cruising the Eastern coasts of Africa. This is maybe the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

    I'm not excusing pirates for taking ships or killing folks, but they are pirates. Stop fucking sailing around there. I understand cargo vessels, but liesure cruising or sailing??? You're kind of asking for this.

    It's painfully clear that there will be no fixing this issue without resort to something brtual against either the nation of Somalia, or the pirates that are captured. I would make use of the fact that anyone committing a crime against humanity caught in open water is not entitled to any right or priviledge enjoyed by an American citizen. I would torture them relentlessly in an effort to find and captureas many as possible. They can negotiate for an immediate death by surrendering information useful in capturing more pirates. Or we can tie them to a mast and let them slowly die of exposure, then toss them in the sea.

    Barbaric, but there is no peaceful solution with people of this nature.

    Fine I will cancel my garden walk in Baghdad.

    2/23/2011 12:49 am

    I just heard an interview with the former head of the CIA task force to get bin Laden, and his comment was that piracy is one thing, and discovering a boat load of Bibles, seemingly for proselytizing in the Muslim world is another thing entirely. 

    That said, I had read from different sources that Islam had little to do with the surge in piracy.  Rather, with the breakdown of a national government to defend common interests, many foreigners came in and fished out traditional fishing grounds of the "pirates", who were essentially fishermen defending their turf, or getting payback after their turf had been looted.

    2/22/2011 3:14 pm

    alz wrote:

    Now. This isn't amazing news, and shouldn't shock anyone. What does shock me is that people are cruising the Eastern coasts of Africa. This is maybe the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

    I'm not excusing pirates for taking ships or killing folks, but they are pirates. Stop fucking sailing around there. I understand cargo vessels, but liesure cruising or sailing??? You're kind of asking for this.

    It's painfully clear that there will be no fixing this issue without resort to something brtual against either the nation of Somalia, or the pirates that are captured. I would make use of the fact that anyone committing a crime against humanity caught in open water is not entitled to any right or priviledge enjoyed by an American citizen. I would torture them relentlessly in an effort to find and captureas many as possible. They can negotiate for an immediate death by surrendering information useful in capturing more pirates. Or we can tie them to a mast and let them slowly die of exposure, then toss them in the sea.

    Barbaric, but there is no peaceful solution with people of this nature.

    As tragic as this is, I agree with Alz. Sailing your own pleasure boat in proximity of the Arabian penisula with the intent of distrubuting a cargo hold full of bibles might be the dumbest idea since turkey sausage.

    2/22/2011 2:11 pm

    Now. This isn't amazing news, and shouldn't shock anyone. What does shock me is that people are cruising the Eastern coasts of Africa. This is maybe the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

    I'm not excusing pirates for taking ships or killing folks, but they are pirates. Stop fucking sailing around there. I understand cargo vessels, but liesure cruising or sailing??? You're kind of asking for this.

    It's painfully clear that there will be no fixing this issue without resort to something brtual against either the nation of Somalia, or the pirates that are captured. I would make use of the fact that anyone committing a crime against humanity caught in open water is not entitled to any right or priviledge enjoyed by an American citizen. I would torture them relentlessly in an effort to find and captureas many as possible. They can negotiate for an immediate death by surrendering information useful in capturing more pirates. Or we can tie them to a mast and let them slowly die of exposure, then toss them in the sea.

    Barbaric, but there is no peaceful solution with people of this nature.

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