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    Topic review (newest first):

    5/13/2011 6:48 pm

    Max wrote:

    remember they did the same thing to Noriega and then later admitted it was a black op to discredit him. 

    our government has a big credibility issue even to us, its citizens. imagine how much more unbelievable the things it says must be to people from other countries?

    If he can kill 3000 people in the name of religon.  I think he can stoop to level of watch a blonde take it up the butt.  Hell he has several wives.  Imagen having 4 women tell you no everyday instead of one.

    5/13/2011 6:38 pm

    remember they did the same thing to Noriega and then later admitted it was a black op to discredit him. 

    our government has a big credibility issue even to us, its citizens. imagine how much more unbelievable the things it says must be to people from other countries?

    5/13/2011 5:04 pm

    I wonder if this information along with earlier reports that Bin Laden likes to watch himself on video go together.

    Possible titles could be:

    Bin laden assaults twin towers

    Darkhshanda does Baghdad

    Beard or Muff?

    5/13/2011 4:02 pm

    ...when you've been in hiding for almost 10 years

    Extensive Porn Stash Reportedly Found in Bin Laden Compound

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