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    Topic review (newest first):

    7/09/2013 3:12 pm

    While I'm not endorsing the murder of the referree, either by stoning, quartering, or beheading ....

    It should be noted the ref drew a knife and fatally stabbed a player on the field. They were in a heated shoving match, but seriously?

    You imagine the reaction if Angel Hernandez stabbed and killed Yadier Molina at Busch Stadium? I don't know if the fans would have gotten on the field, and Angel probably wouldn't have been mutilated, but I could see him being beaten to death by an angry mob.

    7/09/2013 11:28 am

    Why is it I can envision a scene like this playing out with Angel Hernandez or Phil Cuzzi?

    12/03/2012 2:45 pm

    AMSTERDAM (AP) — A man who was working as a linesman during a youth soccer match in the Netherlands has died after being beaten and kicked by several players.

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