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    4/29/2013 7:04 pm

    artie_fufkin wrote:

    Max wrote:

    Why all the love for Hee Sop Choi?  I am missing the joke.

    He and Rolen collided at first base, and Rolen's shoulder was never the same after that. Then a couple of months later, Choi and another player, I don't remember who, had a similar collision and the other player went down with an injury. Choi didn't end up with a scratch, That led to speculation on the old Yahoo board that Koreans may be denser than everyone else, hence the Dense Korean Theory.

    He also collided with Kerry Wood and was concussed. That happened two years before the Rolen incident.

    4/28/2013 12:53 am

    I remember Rolen getting hit, but I didn't recall who it was.  

    But I did speak with a friend who worked there before I did and she said one of the hardest things for her to get used to was that Koreans would just crash into her like it was nothing.  She said she saw grown men knock little kids on their ass and just keep walking.  So, more likely it's in their culture than in their mass.

    4/27/2013 2:56 pm

    Max wrote:

    Why all the love for Hee Sop Choi?  I am missing the joke.

    He and Rolen collided at first base, and Rolen's shoulder was never the same after that. Then a couple of months later, Choi and another player, I don't remember who, had a similar collision and the other player went down with an injury. Choi didn't end up with a scratch, That led to speculation on the old Yahoo board that Koreans may be denser than everyone else, hence the Dense Korean Theory.

    4/27/2013 12:31 pm

    Why all the love for Hee Sop Choi?  I am missing the joke.

    4/26/2013 5:42 pm

    forsberg_us wrote:

    For your first research project, compare the difference in damage to Hee-Seop Choi's knee caps caused by a lead pipe as compared to an aluminum bat.

    I thought the DKT applied to muscle mass, but hey, if Max sees Hee Sop Choi walking down the street in downtown Seoul and happens to hit bone instead of tissue, who am I to complain?

    4/26/2013 5:36 pm

    The interweb reference was a comment made by a former supervisor who in the early 2000s asked if I thought "this interweb is a fad."

    4/26/2013 12:00 pm

    Actually, South Korea has the fastest internet speeds in the world, about twice as fast the USA.

    If the sandwich delivery place calls me, I'll take it, and earn some money until the SoKo job kicks in.

    4/26/2013 11:33 am

    For your first research project, compare the difference in damage to Hee-Seop Choi's knee caps caused by a lead pipe as compared to an aluminum bat.

    4/26/2013 11:20 am

    Strange for sure, and wonderful. Congratulations!

    4/26/2013 10:59 am

    Max wrote:

    Well, yesterday I applied for a job delivering sandwiches, with one of my big qualifications that I could list being that I drive a 1995 Ford Aspire, which gets nearly 35 mpg.  This morning I awoke to an email saying I was offered the Research Professorship in Seoul, South Korea, and asking how soon could I start.

    Isn't life strange?

    So which one will you take?

    Congrats, Max. Hope they have the interweb over there in Korea.

    4/26/2013 10:09 am

    Well, yesterday I applied for a job delivering sandwiches, with one of my big qualifications that I could list being that I drive a 1995 Ford Aspire, which gets nearly 35 mpg.  This morning I awoke to an email saying I was offered the Research Professorship in Seoul, South Korea, and asking how soon could I start.

    Isn't life strange?

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