And no charges. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that at all. There's no point in pretending the police have any accountability for the consequences of their actions if you don't prosecute that.
I felt the need to post this because I don't want it to seem like I'm 100% behind cops regardless of what they do. I hold them accountable, though I do give them a lot of leeway because of the job they need to do.
Man was selling cigarettes tax free. It's illegal, but the victim is Uncle Same (and thus taxpayers). Confrontation with police, chokehold to get him arrested, he's a big man, it's on too long, it's too tight, whatever. Eric dies.
There are some marked differences here than the Michael Brown story. There's a video of the whole thing. There's no guessing, there's even audio. Neither as HD quality, but they are enough to show that this man wasn't compliant, but not a threat. He was a large man, and physicality was needed to apprehend him. He did however die although that is pretty clearly not the intent of the officers arresting him.
To me this is the 100% textbook definition of manslaughter, and the officer administering that choke hold should be in court. I have no doubts he didn't mean for that to happen (that's why it wasn't murder to me), but that was clearly something that should have NEVER happened like that.