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    Topic review (newest first):

    7/13/2016 9:41 am

    I come into work today and my director is there at my cubicle and my neighbors cubicle. Not good. She's never at our cubes. Then she sees me and says, "Come here, and I'll tell you both at once."

    uh oh.... I'm thinking there are company changes and we're all getting laid off. 

    Instead she tells us that a coworker who kept a heart valve condition very quiet had surgery Thursday of last week. The pig valve they used to replace his valve detached and was leaking, he went into critical condition, and they went back in to fix it, but couldn't get it working and he passed away. He was 56. 

    Nobody here even knew anything was going on. Just walked into the office to find out a coworker died way too early. Life can be short, make sure you enjoy it... This whole day is like a working funeral now.... Very messed up.

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