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Topic review (newest first):

6/23/2011 1:31 pm

The series looks more lopsided than it's been because the U.S. didn't beat Mexico for 40-something years.
The Americans haven't lost to Mexico anywhere outside of Estadio Azteca since 1999 except for the 5-0 wipeout in the final of the '09 Gold Cup, and we didn't play the varsity in that one.
Mexico is probably a better team right now, and Altidore being out really hurts the U.S. up front, so you'd have to give them the edge.
I just hope the Mexican fans leave the "Osama" chants and their bags of urine at home.

6/23/2011 12:58 pm

Anyone think we'll beat Mexico in the Finals? History isn't really on our side here, but lastely the series has been much more even.

I still think we lose 2-1, but we'll see.

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