Interested on where the opinion lies here. Lebron has to hear some fan making off color remarks about his mom boinking one of his Cleveland teammates. I don't know the details of the dialogue but remember that being a pretty embarassing revelation (that his mom was in fact sleeping with one of his teammates).
So he's on the road, and here's something to the effect of: "So who's your mom fking now, Wade? Bosh?"
....... LBJ tells the man he'd happily kick his ass if he could, but he can't, and that's the only reason that the dude is running his mouth. Something about beating his ass all the way up and down the beltway (maybe a DC reference, I dunno). The dude tells Lebron he's standing there, and security gets there in time. Catastrophe averted.
I'm all for athletes having to have a thick skin, and ignore "Joe Fan" but there's a part of me that really would have loved seeing LBJ just beat the absolute shit out of this guy. I would have given him a pass in a heartbeat if it was up to me. I don't call people's family out, wifes/gf's/kids/parents/siblings, not even your 2nd cousin. That's just a zone I have no business being in, and completely outside of the bounds of dialect. If I'm looking for a fight, I'll talk mad shit about you personally. I don't need to involve your relatives. I'd love to have seen LBJ beat this man's ass, tell the commissioner what happened, tell police what happened, and get off with nothing more than having to pay any medical bills. I think that some fans have probably had an ass-beating coming for a very long time, and would love to see them have to exhibit some self control, instead of putting it all on the Athlete's shoulders. Some people just need to catch an ass-whuppin...
Following the story, what she looks like (and it ain't good btw, Whitney Houston II.... holy shit) shouldn't play into it. To quote Russell Crowe in "The 310 to Yuma".... "Even bad men love their mama's".