A Santo-worthy performance from the Cubs ...
Anyone ever remember a beatdown like this in a 3-game series?
artie_fufkin wrote:
APIAD wrote:
If I didnt know any better I assume the Cardinals were losing today. Alot of hate for a 0-7 game.
Some of these guys are pessimists, AP.
Man I'm glad I'm not one .. (grin)
don.rob11 wrote:
artie_fufkin wrote:
APIAD wrote:
If I didnt know any better I assume the Cardinals were losing today. Alot of hate for a 0-7 game.
Some of these guys are pessimists, AP.
Man I'm glad I'm not one .. (grin)
Lynn kind of stunk.
artie_fufkin wrote:
APIAD wrote:
If I didnt know any better I assume the Cardinals were losing today. Alot of hate for a 0-7 game.
Some of these guys are pessimists, AP.
Count me as one of them. I am no more thrilled about this season today then after getting broomed by the Reds. Still stomping the cubbies aint all bad.
The Dodgers used six or seven pitchers in their 12-inning game against the Mets yesterday. Hopefully, that will have an impact on their bullpen this week.