forsberg_us wrote:
tkihshbt wrote:
artie_fufkin wrote:
Whew ...
Indeed. I don't think they win tomorrow or Sunday.
They have to at least win this series. I know Samardja and Maholm have been pitching very well, but if the Cardinals seriously want to make a run at getting back into this thing, they have to get at least 2 of 3 against a 5th place team.
Fors is right; they had to take 2 of 3 against a fifth place team. I would imagine this knocks them out of contention for the division title.
tkihshbt wrote:
forsberg_us wrote:
tkihshbt wrote:
Indeed. I don't think they win tomorrow or Sunday.They have to at least win this series. I know Samardja and Maholm have been pitching very well, but if the Cardinals seriously want to make a run at getting back into this thing, they have to get at least 2 of 3 against a 5th place team.
Fors is right; they had to take 2 of 3 against a fifth place team. I would imagine this knocks them out of contention for the division title.
It would help if the Reds lost once a week or so.
I know every baseball player says they cant look at what the other teams are doing but to get beat in close games every night and see the two teams ahead of you pile on wins its got to be a kick in the nuts.
APIAD wrote:
I know every baseball player says they cant look at what the other teams are doing but to get beat in close games every night and see the two teams ahead of you pile on wins its got to be a kick in the nuts.
Hopefully they're self-aware enough to look at their own performance and not blame it on the gods smiling on Cincy. I think Holliday and Beltran each had one-pitch groundouts in the early innings Saturday with men on base and Sam-I-am struggling to find the plate. When a good pitcher's dig himself into a hole you shouldn't offer him a ladder, but it just seems to happen a lot with this team.
APIAD wrote:
I know every baseball player says they cant look at what the other teams are doing but to get beat in close games every night and see the two teams ahead of you pile on wins its got to be a kick in the nuts.
The "I don't watch the scoreboard" line is Big Lie #2, after "I don't read the papers or watch ESPN."
"I think Holliday and Beltran each had one-pitch groundouts in the early innings Saturday with men on base and Sam-I-am struggling to find the plate."
These things you say are true
The Cards had him in deep doo-doo
But early on in the count
Carlos he did flount
JV wrote:
I think Holliday and Beltran each had one-pitch groundouts in the early innings Saturday with men on base and Sam-I-am struggling to find the plate. When a good pitcher's dig himself into a hole you shouldn't offer him a ladder, but it just seems to happen a lot with this team.
Holliday walked; Beltran put a terrible swing on a pitch that was over the middle of the plate. Swinging at a fat first pitch is fine, but you expect a guy with 22 home runs to do a little more than line a soft one to second base.
Strauss might be trolling, but he says it's being talked about internally to bring up Oscar Taveras.
Taveras would replace Jay, correct?
artie_fufkin wrote:
"I think Holliday and Beltran each had one-pitch groundouts in the early innings Saturday with men on base and Sam-I-am struggling to find the plate."
These things you say are true
The Cards had him in deep doo-doo
But early on in the count
Carlos he did flount
"Aw, jeez!" I exclaimed, with a wince and a grin.
"Artie just went and invited me in,
along with my long-suppressed poetic muse,
to an orgy of groan-worthy faux Doctor Seuss!"
"Hide the kids and the rookies like Browning and Kelly!
When this shit starts flowing it's gonna get smelly!
There isn't a bad joke or terrible pun
That won't be indulged by the time this is done."
More to come. My ultimate goal is to write the first baseball-related Seuss-styled Haiku. May God have mercy on us all.
APIAD wrote:
Taveras would replace Jay, correct?
That is correct. Jay is playing elite defense in center field and I'm not sure Taveras is a center fielder, but everything I've heard is about how much they love him. Apparently he's blown the expectations they set out of the water.
Reading some of the reports of him, he does sound like the real deal, and he's basically doing to the Texas League what Mike Trout did, at roughly the same age.
I imagine Jay would still get plenty of at-bats for Beltran in the event that Taveras comes up.
tkihshbt wrote:
JV wrote:
I think Holliday and Beltran each had one-pitch groundouts in the early innings Saturday with men on base and Sam-I-am struggling to find the plate. When a good pitcher's dig himself into a hole you shouldn't offer him a ladder, but it just seems to happen a lot with this team.
Holliday walked; Beltran put a terrible swing on a pitch that was over the middle of the plate. Swinging at a fat first pitch is fine, but you expect a guy with 22 home runs to do a little more than line a soft one to second base.
Strauss might be trolling, but he says it's being talked about internally to bring up Oscar Taveras.
I could swear there were two big one-pitch outs, but maybe in different innings and perhaps it was somebody other than Holliday. Or maybe I'm just remembering things the way I want to remember them.
"More to come. My ultimate goal is to write the first baseball-related Seuss-styled Haiku. May God have mercy on us all."
A poet he is
Of the Seussian metre
Ron Santo is dead
"I could swear there were two big one-pitch outs"
There's two ways to look at it: Samarjazilch can't find it and I don't want to help him out by swinging at the first pitch; or Samattawhichoo can't find it, so he's going to groove a get-me-over pitch and I'm going to jump on it.
I usually preach patience, but I'm not in the top 3 in the league in homers and RBI.
artie_fufkin wrote:
"More to come. My ultimate goal is to write the first baseball-related Seuss-styled Haiku. May God have mercy on us all."
A poet he is
Of the Seussian metre
Ron Santo is dead
Excellent. Another:
Daltrey was a guest
Or as Streuss's tweet expressed:
"Horton hears a Who!"
Last edited by JV (7/30/2012 1:15 pm)
artie_fufkin wrote:
"I could swear there were two big one-pitch outs"
There's two ways to look at it: Samarjazilch can't find it and I don't want to help him out by swinging at the first pitch; or Samattawhichoo can't find it, so he's going to groove a get-me-over pitch and I'm going to jump on it.
I usually preach patience, but I'm not in the top 3 in the league in homers and RBI.
As I reflect I think my main issue with that game was that they weren't able to run his pitch count up as quickly as I would have liked. Two days later, that had morphed into what I posted earlier.
artie_fufkin wrote:
"I could swear there were two big one-pitch outs"
There's two ways to look at it: Samarjazilch can't find it and I don't want to help him out by swinging at the first pitch; or Samattawhichoo can't find it, so he's going to groove a get-me-over pitch and I'm going to jump on it.
I usually preach patience, but I'm not in the top 3 in the league in homers and RBI.
The Cardinals usually preach patience. It is like one of their rules. I am confused why Matheny changed that this weekend.
JV wrote:
artie_fufkin wrote:
"More to come. My ultimate goal is to write the first baseball-related Seuss-styled Haiku. May God have mercy on us all."
A poet he is
Of the Seussian metre
Ron Santo is deadExcellent. Another:
Daltrey was a guest
Or as Streuss's tweet expressed:
"Horton hears a Who!"
Eat Green Eggs and Spam?
'Tis a Pythonese query
And baked beans are off