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8/12/2014 2:58 pm  #1

James Brady

Death ruled a homicide 31 years after the bullet struck him?

Fors, tell me that's just something symbolic, and their not really attempting to get back into Hinkley's court proceedings for no reason whatsoever....

8/12/2014 8:06 pm  #2

Re: James Brady

Hadn't heard that, but Hinkley's already been ruled insane at the time of the incident, so it won't have any affect on him.

Maybe it gets Brady's family additional benefits.

8/13/2014 11:06 am  #3

Re: James Brady

I'm fine with that. I guess Hinkley is making progress, even being allowed on supervised visits to see his parents from the hospital. I'm not against it as long as he's monitored and someone is taking care of him. 

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