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6/18/2015 2:26 pm  #1

IT pro tips.

I decided it might be amusing to share some of the lessons I've learned, and continue to learn in the world of IT.

We covered two big ones the other day. 

Lesson 1. If you are planning a crime, don't involve your computer. Seriously... Googling "The best stabbing strike to hit the femoral artery" from the laptop, 3 days before your wive has a seriously awful "shaving accident", is going to land you in a prison cell. 

Lesson 2. If you are buying a new computer, do not go to CyberPowerPC for any reason. I recently did this, and I'm going to be asking for a refund (where I'll be stuck a 15% restocking fee, and about 60-100 more dollars shipping their POS computer back to them). They have cheap prices, apparently because they use terrible components, plastic cases, and then hire 5 year olds from Burma to assemble the machines and mark it as Quality Controlled. Do a little research on the reviews. Bear in mind that a lot of folks write reviews when they are mad, but compare company scores before putting money into a product you are going to be receiving in the mail. I'm paying the price for not doing this.

--More will follow. Just waiting for the life examples. 


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