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2/11/2011 3:30 pm  #1

‎"The best response to 'hate speech' is more speech"

Here's my favorite part:

"Such dialogue is most effective when it is sustained over time (as in a multi-session workshop or semester-long course, for example) rather than a one-time experience such as a public forum or lecture on the topic. Such dialogue is often difficult to initiate because it is still true that many faculty, staff, and students have limited experience talking about race in racially-mixed settings and there is often fear about doing so, fear that one might say the wrong thing and offend, or worse yet, reveal hidden prejudices. Yet the only way to get past this fear is to have the conversation, learn from the inevitable mistakes, and come back the next day or the next week, and try it again.... Like when exercising creates sore muscles, the cure is to exercise more regularly, not to abandon the effort. "


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