Today marks the start of Marine Week in St. Louis. There are various events taking place on the riverfront under the Arch and other events/displays set up around downtown. For the next week, Ballpark Village (aka the vacant empty lot) is the home of a howitzer, several armored vehicles, several more amphibious assault craft and a COBRA attack helicopter.
For some reason I picture the LOT staggering out of Busch III, KC charming the pants off of a female Marine pilot (both literally and figuratively) to get her to take us on a helicopter ride across the river for a night at the Sauget Ballet, Stan breaking a $7M piece of the helicopter on the return flight and the howitzer blasting a hole through Moz/Dewitt's office with "Up Yours" written on the artillary shell.
The following day, the story in the Post would likely read "Fan in Raiders Jersey Causes Mayhem in Downtown StL."
Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have posted that there is a piece of heavy artillary within range of Dewitt's office.
"The following day, the story in the Post would likely read "Fan in Raiders Jersey Causes Mayhem in Downtown StL."
Sure, blame it on Al Davis.
I still think the funniest thing that happened weekend was Kent negotiating the purchase of a lollipop from that bride-to-be. I hope she's still married, or Kent will probably try to finagle a refund.
artie_fufkin wrote:
"The following day, the story in the Post would likely read "Fan in Raiders Jersey Causes Mayhem in Downtown StL."
Sure, blame it on Al Davis.
I still think the funniest thing that happened weekend was Kent negotiating the purchase of a lollipop from that bride-to-be. I hope she's still married, or Kent will probably try to finagle a refund.
ROTFLMAO!!! I had completely forgotten about Kent. But you left out the best part of that story. Not only did he purchase the lollipop (for some reason I was thinking lifesaver, but no matter), but rather than give her an actual dollar, he paid her with 4 quarters. The look on the maid-of-honor's face when he handed her the change was priceless.
"The look on the maid-of-honor's face when he handed her the change was priceless."
That was because he asked her for a receipt.