I am voting Skip because he is a proven hitter.
Descalso, because he has the highest Scrappiosity Factor of the group.
I'm going with Descalso's defense and just sacrifice his offense with an occasional "nice base on balls, Daniel" . . .
I'll go with Greene. I was at the game he won with his opposite field HR, and I'll admit I'm intrigued by his skills more than the actual production justifies.
I feel gross saying this, but Greene. I've noticed the more he plays the fewer idiotic errors occur and his speed is a big plus. I'm not sure if he'll ever hit more than .240, but the ability to steal a base and hit the occasional home run while playing good enough defense gives him the edge, IMO.
Kolten Wong would be playing second base before I ever let Schumaker there.
It comes down to Greene and Skip to me. Neither Greene or Delscalso can hit for average so I give the edge to Greene for being more athletic. However I pick Skip over Greene because he can hit. This team needs steady hitters in the lineup right now. If the offense was rocking and rolling my opinion would be different.
Descalso is the shit. You people are fucked in the head.
artie_fufkin wrote:
Descalso is the shit. You people are fucked in the head.
I think you ment to say "Descalso is shit".