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6/01/2012 11:08 am  #1


The story doesnt really uncover any shocking info.  However it does bring up something I find different from other years.  I dont ever remember more bitching about umping.  Shannon whines about it every night.  Balking Bob ever got some time off for bad behavior.  Is the umping getting worst or is our expectations growing higher.  While I am against replay I think it is the only option if the later is true.  Umps cant be held to a non-human level of expectation.  I dont mind the missed calls as much as I mind the emotion that the Umps are showing trying to direct the spotlight to themselfs.


6/01/2012 3:53 pm  #2

Re: Umps

I think part of the problem is some of these umpires who have been around a long time are getting complacent. It's been awhile since MLB drained the swamp. Sure, the umps get "evaluated," but they're not going to fire these guys for cause, no matter how many calls they miss.
Which is not to say there aren't good veteran umpires. Jim Joyce and Gerry Layne are excellent. But I can think of at least a half-dozen more who ought be officiating bocce tournaments at an old folks home.


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