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6/03/2012 7:09 pm  #1

6/3 Gamecrap

Maybe the Cardinals will score a run tonight.
Small steps, folks. Small steps.


6/03/2012 7:30 pm  #2

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

The good news after one inning is that Jake Westbrook only has about 20 starts left as a Cardinal.


6/03/2012 7:39 pm  #3

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

I smell Pirates


6/03/2012 8:11 pm  #4

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

Human element.

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6/03/2012 8:20 pm  #5

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

don.rob11 wrote:

I smell Pirates

I can't take the Pirates seriously. Even when they had their five seconds of fame last season and my boss came up to me brandishing his yellow teeth and bad breath right in my face about how they were going to win the division even though he couldn't name a single player on the team, all I could do was laugh in his face.

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6/03/2012 8:26 pm  #6

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

Enjoying these glimpses of the crowd. It's one of 81 Booger-Eating Moron Nights this season at Shiti Field.

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6/03/2012 8:48 pm  #7

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

Tyler Greene couldn't hit this guy's curveball with a tennis racquet.

     Thread Starter

6/03/2012 8:50 pm  #8

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

Our objective has just changed from repeating as world champions ; to , scoring a run before the season ends ..


6/03/2012 9:39 pm  #9

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

artie_fufkin wrote:

Maybe the Cardinals will score a run tonight.
Small steps, folks. Small steps.

Ummm looks doubtfull.


6/03/2012 9:41 pm  #10

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

If this series is how Cubs fans feel I dont know how they keep from killing themselfs.


6/03/2012 9:50 pm  #11

Re: 6/3 Gamecrap

A Run , A Run  Unbelievable .....


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