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6/10/2012 2:57 pm  #1

6/10 Gamecrap

Victor Marte blows.


6/10/2012 3:10 pm  #2

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

Thought Kelly was very efficient for a major league debut ......
Too bad our offense is in blow mode again ...


6/10/2012 3:49 pm  #3

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

I wish Al would shut the hell up about Furcal screwing himself up because he hit a couple of home runs

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6/10/2012 3:55 pm  #4

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

They know how to attack Molina.

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6/10/2012 4:00 pm  #5

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

Pathetic by Molina and Craig. Absolutely pathetic.

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6/10/2012 4:01 pm  #6

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

tkihshbt wrote:

Pathetic by Molina and Craig. Absolutely pathetic.


and this



Last edited by don.rob11 (6/10/2012 4:16 pm)


6/10/2012 5:43 pm  #7

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

Even I know that Motte is not to be trusted two days in a row. But either Matheny disagrees, or acting upon that type of gut feeling isn't seen as an option.


6/10/2012 6:52 pm  #8

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

tkihshbt wrote:

Pathetic by Molina and Craig. Absolutely pathetic.

Vinnie Boombats or whatever his name is was tough on righties. I have no idea how he ever gets lefties out, but that slider is death to righties.


6/10/2012 6:55 pm  #9

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

JV wrote:

Even I know that Motte is not to be trusted two days in a row. But either Matheny disagrees, or acting upon that type of gut feeling isn't seen as an option.

You're right, but the pickins are kind of slim down there right now. I'm just a fan, and I don't have confidence in any member of their bullpen right now. The best guy lately has been Boggs, but I wouldn't let Boggs anywhere near the ninth inning. Sanchez probably would have been the move, but he's capable of sucking too.


6/10/2012 7:37 pm  #10

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

artie_fufkin wrote:

JV wrote:

Even I know that Motte is not to be trusted two days in a row. But either Matheny disagrees, or acting upon that type of gut feeling isn't seen as an option.

You're right, but the pickins are kind of slim down there right now. I'm just a fan, and I don't have confidence in any member of their bullpen right now. The best guy lately has been Boggs, but I wouldn't let Boggs anywhere near the ninth inning. Sanchez probably would have been the move, but he's capable of sucking too.

Yeah, this is one of those cases where I'd like to be able to watch replays in alternate universes where they they scored 1, 2, or 3 runs in the eighth to see whether the psychological effect would have changed the outcome.


6/11/2012 8:10 am  #11

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

"I'd like to be able to watch replays in alternate universes where they they scored 1, 2, or 3 runs in the eighth to see whether the psychological effect would have changed the outcome."

I've never understood why a closer can nail down a ninth inning in a "save situation" and suck when a save isn't at stake. And it doesn't seem like it's one or two or even half of them. It's almost all of 'em. Nathan Axford Forrest nearly coughed up a game in Milwaukee yesterday because he was brought in with a 4-run lead instead of a 3-run lead in the ninth inning.
The only consistent exception seems to be Mariano Rivera. But Mariano Rivera is consistently exceptional by any definition.


6/11/2012 10:12 am  #12

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

The best this team can do is hang around and hope the Reds lose it.


6/11/2012 10:55 am  #13

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

APIAD wrote:

The best this team can do is hang around and hope the Reds lose it.

You assume we're better than the Pirates.  I'm not so sure.


6/11/2012 10:56 am  #14

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

JV wrote:

Yeah, this is one of those cases where I'd like to be able to watch replays in alternate universes where they they scored 1, 2, or 3 runs in the eighth to see whether the psychological effect would have changed the outcome.

Motte was throwing for the fifth time in eight days. He had two four-out saves and threw 18 pitches on Saturday with one swinging strike. I don't think it mattered how big the lead was. Motte probably should have had the day off.

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6/11/2012 10:59 am  #15

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

forsberg_us wrote:

APIAD wrote:

The best this team can do is hang around and hope the Reds lose it.

You assume we're better than the Pirates.  I'm not so sure.

Nah, they are. The Pirates have two starters, Morton and Correia, who suck as bad as Westbrook. Their bullpen is walking a ton of batters and their offense begins and ends with Andrew McCutchen. It's going to take a few more injuries to bring the Cardinals down to Pittsburgh's level.

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6/11/2012 11:28 am  #16

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

APIAD wrote:

The best this team can do is hang around and hope the Reds lose it.

Did you watch that fiasco last night? RedFan was ready to put Chapman in Cooperstown. Now he's blown two games in less than a week.


6/11/2012 12:04 pm  #17

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

Some teams find ways to win.  Right now the Cards are finding ways to lose.  Like not getting a run in with the bases loaded and 1 out.


6/11/2012 12:09 pm  #18

Re: 6/10 Gamecrap

This team was what, 10 games over .500 at one point?  If they would have played .500 baseball from then on out they could have cruised away with the division.  They would have been 5 games up on the Pirates and Reds right now.  This team is to good to throw away games like they have been doing.


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