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6/14/2012 1:08 pm  #1


6/14/2012 1:19 pm  #2

Re: The Mets will always be Pond Scum

Jesus.  You'd think that considering the organization's first no-hitter really wasn't, they'd make a little less noise about something like this.


6/14/2012 2:04 pm  #3

Re: The Mets will always be Pond Scum

I think the PD ran a story about a New York paper bitching that the post put an * beside Santana's no hitter because of the blown call.


6/14/2012 5:13 pm  #4

Re: The Mets will always be Pond Scum

APIAD wrote:

I think the PD ran a story about a New York paper bitching that the post put an * beside Santana's no hitter because of the blown call.

Hypocrisy, thy name is the New York sports media. I think it was the N.Y. Post or the Daily News that ran the NFL standings with an asterisk before New England with a "caught cheating" notation after Spygate.

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