"Lowe hinted that the issue between the two stemmed from Lowe's final year in Los Angeles in 2008, but had never been made public."
Not that any of this is surprising. Dusty is probably still pissed off at Don Gullet for plunking him on the 1977 World Series.
I saw this on the MLB Network. Sounded like Baker spread a rumor (bullshit, as Lowe put it) about Lowe. It is an interleague game. You would have thought Baker could have left it alone. He was probably wanting to get is jab in an then run off to the AL. A pat on the bat to Lowe for not letting that happen. That drinking comment by Dusty was out of line.
APIAD wrote:
I saw this on the MLB Network. Sounded like Baker spread a rumor (bullshit, as Lowe put it) about Lowe. It is an interleague game. You would have thought Baker could have left it alone. He was probably wanting to get is jab in an then run off to the AL. A pat on the bat to Lowe for not letting that happen. That drinking comment by Dusty was out of line.
One of the reasons the Red Sox supposedly didn't want Lowe back after 2004 was because they were concerned about his nocturnal activities. When he got to L.A., I guess he almost immediately started schtupping some blonde news bunny and eventually ended up dumping his wife, who stayed in Boston because their kids were in school.
I have no idea what any of this has to do with Dusty Baker, other than Dusty Baker is a pusilanimous troll who can't stand not being in the middle of controversy.
artie_fufkin wrote:
I have no idea what any of this has to do with Dusty Baker, other than Dusty Baker is a pusilanimous troll who can't stand not being in the middle of controversy.
That is the thing, Lowe might be the biggest douche there is but what is it to Dusty. There is a saying about pots and kettles that applies here.