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7/09/2012 5:37 pm  #1

No Game? Crap!

What the hell am I s'posed to do tonight??? Spend time with my family?!?


7/09/2012 7:07 pm  #2

Re: No Game? Crap!

When is Berman eligible to retire  ?


7/09/2012 7:28 pm  #3

Re: No Game? Crap!

artie_fufkin wrote:

What the hell am I s'posed to do tonight??? Spend time with my family?!?

The mother in-law coming over?


7/09/2012 7:55 pm  #4

Re: No Game? Crap!

don.rob11 wrote:

When is Berman eligible to retire  ?

I would be perfectly happy never hearing Berman ever again.


7/09/2012 8:40 pm  #5

Re: No Game? Crap!

KC don't like that Cano boy ...


7/09/2012 9:00 pm  #6

Re: No Game? Crap!

Hopefully Beltran survived that without injury.


7/10/2012 8:58 am  #7

Re: No Game? Crap!

This is the kind of shit you find when there aren't actual games to pay attention to.  I initially thought this was a joke, but I actually know these attorneys.

Last edited by forsberg_us (7/10/2012 8:58 am)


7/10/2012 11:46 am  #8

Re: No Game? Crap!

forsberg_us wrote:

This is the kind of shit you find when there aren't actual games to pay attention to.  I initially thought this was a joke, but I actually know these attorneys.

So, simplifying this, Rawlings is claiming copyright to acolor.

I'm going to spend the afternoon trying to patent the color green. Ya'll can just send me anything green in your wallets.

     Thread Starter

7/10/2012 9:18 pm  #9

Re: No Game? Crap!

Furcal is having a busy night.


7/10/2012 10:29 pm  #10

Re: No Game? Crap!

Probably best Lynn gets full rest .


7/11/2012 7:49 am  #11

Re: No Game? Crap!

My favorite moment last night was when Gio Gonzalez was pitching and Buck said "In case you haven't heard, the Nationals are in first place in the National League East ..."
Maybe people haven't heard that because Fox insists on broadcasting the Yankees and/or Red Sox every Saturday.

Bryce Harper looked ridiculous in those gold shoes. Everything is about him.

     Thread Starter

7/11/2012 10:55 am  #12

Re: No Game? Crap!

I get it. It's an advantage for the Cardinals to play the Royals six times every year while the Reds play the Indians and the Cubs play the White Sox.
But the regional rivalries are really the only interesting thing left about interleague play. The Royals fill their ballpark when the Cardinals come to town, and that's not going to happen if they play the Pirates instead.
My suggestion would be to leave the Astros where they are and just scrap the interleague format.

     Thread Starter

7/11/2012 11:28 am  #13

Re: No Game? Crap!

I'm not a big proponent of interleague play, but if it has to exist, then I would prefer something more along the lines of where it sounds like it's headed rather than it's current state. 

The regional rivalry aspect only really works for the weaker member of the rivalry.  The Royals fill their ballpark when the Cardinals come to town because the Cardinals fans fill the stadium.  No one in St. Louis cares when the Royals come to town.  In the however many years of interleague play's existence, I don't think the Yankees have been in St. Louis.  I'd much rather see the Yankees come to town every other year rather than KC every year.


7/11/2012 11:33 am  #14

Re: No Game? Crap!

artie_fufkin wrote:

My favorite moment last night was when Gio Gonzalez was pitching and Buck said "In case you haven't heard, the Nationals are in first place in the National League East ..."
Maybe people haven't heard that because Fox insists on broadcasting the Yankees and/or Red Sox every Saturday.

Bryce Harper looked ridiculous in those gold shoes. Everything is about him.

Agree on both points. I also thought Erin Andrews' fawning "interview" with Jeter and the weirdo man-love stuff about Cano's smile were lowlights. And they should have given Furcal some praise for flawlessly fielding the ball Sandoval dorked up and coming within a hair of getting the out at first.


7/11/2012 1:32 pm  #15

Re: No Game? Crap!

Bud Selig is one out of touch nozzle of douchiness. Since KC fans acted like a bunch of dumbasses he's going to make sure that the hometown team has one player in the HR Derby.


7/11/2012 1:44 pm  #16

Re: No Game? Crap!

"The Royals fill their ballpark when the Cardinals come to town because the Cardinals fans fill the stadium.  No one in St. Louis cares when the Royals come to town."

Absolutely. I may be on an island here, but I want the Royals to stay in Kansas City and I'd like to see them be competitive from time to time. It's tough when the franchise's high water mark for a quarter century is an 83-win season.

     Thread Starter

7/11/2012 1:56 pm  #17

Re: No Game? Crap!

"I also thought Erin Andrews' fawning "interview" with Jeter and the weirdo man-love stuff about Cano's smile were lowlights."

It was embarrassing on her end, but I'm amazed at how consistently well Jeter handles the media. Outside of an occasional story about one of his girlfriends, nothing controversial about him ends up on Page Six.
Of course, 10 years after he retires, we're going to find out for the entire time he was with the Yankees he rented under the pseudonym Adolf Mussolini an apartment with a dungeon in the Bowery for the sole purpose of accommodating his BDSM fetish for circus midgets dressed in latex chaps.

     Thread Starter

7/11/2012 2:01 pm  #18

Re: No Game? Crap!

"Bud Selig is one out of touch nozzle of douchiness"

His douchiness in this instance may make him the douchiest douche in the history of douchedom.

     Thread Starter

7/12/2012 8:42 am  #19

Re: No Game? Crap!

Watched the opening installment of "The Franchise" series about the Marlins last night. Reyes seems like a better guy than I previously thought. Hanley Ramirez is just plain dumb. Jeffrey Loria continues to affirm he's the most evil person in the history of Major League Baseball, and his nitwit son-in-law is almost as bad.

     Thread Starter

7/12/2012 11:51 am  #20

Re: No Game? Crap!

I have no way of watching it, but it does sound entertaining. The Cardinals were the first team asked to do it. They said no. I don't know why they went down to Miami as their second choice, though.


7/12/2012 1:23 pm  #21

Re: No Game? Crap!

"I don't know why they went down to Miami as their second choice, though."

Honestly, I don't know why they went anywhere else first. Ozzie is the human equaivalent of a neutron bomb. Every third word out of Morrison's mouth is a curse. Zambrano is volcanically bi-polar. Reyes is like a mobile neon sign. The owner and his idiot son-in-law are Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine in madras. And, remember, there are hot chicks dancing in the stands!
The only person so far who seems to care if he emerges with his dignity intact is Michael Hill.

     Thread Starter

7/12/2012 4:35 pm  #22

Re: No Game? Crap!

K-Mac done for this year , to have surgery

Garcia next ?

Last edited by don.rob11 (7/12/2012 4:36 pm)


7/12/2012 5:17 pm  #23

Re: No Game? Crap!

"K-Mac done for this year"

Cardinal medical staff strikes again.


7/12/2012 5:55 pm  #24

Re: No Game? Crap!

Addition by subtraction. McClellan was going a time bomb even if he did come back.

More interesting to me is the Round 2 when they ask what the key for the 2nd half is and Gordo says it could be adding a starter and moving Lynn to the bullpen. I want to hit every sportswriter that suggests this on the knuckles with a ruler.


7/12/2012 8:03 pm  #25

Re: No Game? Crap!

Life and Death of Darryl Kile is on MLB network now ......


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