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7/19/2012 9:25 pm  #26

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

I'm watching Yankees-A's. How are the Yankees 23 games over .500?


7/19/2012 9:29 pm  #27

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

I like this Cespedes.


7/19/2012 10:10 pm  #28

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

tkihshbt wrote:

I like this Cespedes.

I wonder what ol'Billy will do with him.  I thought it was a great risk vs reward when he signed him.  I just cant see them holding on to him when they could flip him and gain so much.


7/20/2012 8:30 am  #29

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

APIAD wrote:

tkihshbt wrote:

I like this Cespedes.

I wonder what ol'Billy will do with him.  I thought it was a great risk vs reward when he signed him.  I just cant see them holding on to him when they could flip him and gain so much.

They laid out some long dollars for him if I remember. I don't watch the A's much, but from the highlights I've seen I agree he looks like a player who has a high ceiling.

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7/20/2012 9:49 am  #30

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

Not really to bad.  6.5 this year.  8.5 in 2013.  10.5 in 2014 and 10.5 in 2015.  For a guy that is on pace for a 20/80ish season that is dirt cheap.


7/20/2012 11:34 am  #31

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

The A's are sneaky good this season and they are my Team to Watch until St. Louis gets its sht together.

They've got the worst offense in the AL but they just crap out quality starters and relievers like it's nothing. Last night some guy named A.J. Griffin pitched six innings and gave up two runs. The A's offense is like a 1992 Ford Taurus assembled from parts out of the junkyard, yet they're doing better than the Cardinals, a beat-up Mercedes.


7/20/2012 11:47 am  #32

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

with the A's still in the race I doubt he gets delt but this pick up was great for them.  I assume the league should have adjusted to him and he is still hitting


7/20/2012 3:00 pm  #33

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

APIAD wrote:

Not really to bad.  6.5 this year.  8.5 in 2013.  10.5 in 2014 and 10.5 in 2015.  For a guy that is on pace for a 20/80ish season that is dirt cheap.

I think he missed some time with an injury, too. So he might even be a 30/100 guy over 162 games.

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7/20/2012 3:02 pm  #34

Re: 7/18 Gamecrap

"The A's offense is like a 1992 Ford Taurus"

My next door neighbors had one of those until a couple of years ago. And their other car was a minivan. No wonder they root for the Cubs.

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