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7/26/2012 9:43 am  #2

Re: Passan nails Loria

Can you imagine how Pujols would be feeling right now if he'd taken their offer? Unless, based on Passan's scathing take on Ramirez, AP would be happier to see him gone than to have him around any longer. All in all, business as usual in Loria's world.


7/26/2012 10:19 am  #3

Re: Passan nails Loria

"All in all, business as usual in Loria's world."

I have no idea why baseball continues to not only tolerate him, but encourages him. Montreal was not a bad baseball city. When the product was good, people showed up, even though the ballpark was terrible.

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7/26/2012 10:25 am  #4

Re: Passan nails Loria

"their colors to a rainbow vomiting"



7/26/2012 10:33 am  #5

Re: Passan nails Loria

APIAD wrote:

"their colors to a rainbow vomiting"


I'm glad you copied and pasted that. One of Passan's more brilliant observations.

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