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7/27/2012 2:41 pm  #26

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Jeezus, he just walked a guy who doesn't have a hit since the All-Star break.


7/27/2012 2:47 pm  #27

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Welp. He's through 4. Now pull him.


7/27/2012 2:51 pm  #28

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Dear god 5 home runs.


7/27/2012 2:54 pm  #29

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Matheny is sending him back out there isn't he?


7/27/2012 2:56 pm  #30

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

tkihshbt wrote:

Dear god 5 home runs.

Just saw the box score.  Is there a hurricane blowing out of the park or are the Birds just spanking Travis Wood?

Last edited by forsberg_us (7/27/2012 2:56 pm)


7/27/2012 2:56 pm  #31

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

forsberg_us wrote:

tkihshbt wrote:

Dear god 5 home runs.

Just saw the box score.  Is there a hurricane blowing out to right or are the Birds just spanking Travis Wood?

Wood is just really bad.


7/27/2012 2:57 pm  #32

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

forsberg_us wrote:

tkihshbt wrote:

Dear god 5 home runs.

Just saw the box score.  Is there a hurricane blowing out of the park or are the Birds just spanking Travis Wood?

The latter. Wind is actually blowing IN ... not hard, but in from right.


7/27/2012 2:59 pm  #33

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Wow. What a play from Jay.


7/27/2012 3:00 pm  #34

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

I can't believe Lynn got through five.


7/27/2012 3:02 pm  #35

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

That was crazy.


7/27/2012 3:06 pm  #36

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

If Fuentes can't get LaHair, Soto or Barney then he should be cut.


7/27/2012 3:07 pm  #37

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

The strike zone is also a factor, Fors. The plate umpire isn't giving anything on the corners or above the belt.


7/27/2012 3:09 pm  #38

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

artie_fufkin wrote:

The strike zone is also a factor, Fors. The plate umpire isn't giving anything on the corners or above the belt.

... and on cue Greene swings through a pitch up around his eyes.


7/27/2012 3:15 pm  #39

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

artie_fufkin wrote:

artie_fufkin wrote:

The strike zone is also a factor, Fors. The plate umpire isn't giving anything on the corners or above the belt.

... and on cue Greene swings through a pitch up around his eyes.

It's not his fault.


7/27/2012 3:22 pm  #40

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

To paraphrase Inspector Jacques Clouseau, the Cardinals sixth inning problem is solv-ed.


7/27/2012 3:24 pm  #41

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

And to further qualify how bad Lynn was today, the Cardinals turned a double play, picked off a runner, threw out a runner stealing and Jay robbed Rizzo of extra bases. A good team could have put up a dozen runs.


7/27/2012 3:38 pm  #42

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

With all that seems to have gone wrong, hopefully they can hold on a pull out a win.  Sounds like they didn't deserve this one.

BTW- not that I want Cowboy to join this board, but wouldn't it be fun to hear him still trying to argue that Holliday isn't worth his contract.  We just passed the 3 year anniversary of that trade.  Holliday's numbers as a Cardinal (before today):

.316/.397/.541, 80 HR, 284 R, 297 RBI.  That's despite missing almost 40 games last season.

Throw in 3 All-Star appearances.  But I'm sure Cowboy expected more.


7/27/2012 3:48 pm  #43

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Efficient 7th for Browning.

Boggs has pitched an inning each of the last 3 games.  Motte pitched 3 innings in the last 2 days.  It sure would be nice to give them a day off.

A few more runs would be a good thing.


7/27/2012 3:55 pm  #44

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Pitch right down the middle. Good start, Salas.


7/27/2012 3:57 pm  #45

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

tkihshbt wrote:

Pitch right down the middle. Good start, Salas.

I don't like this ...


7/27/2012 3:58 pm  #46

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

forsberg_us wrote:

With all that seems to have gone wrong, hopefully they can hold on a pull out a win.  Sounds like they didn't deserve this one.

BTW- not that I want Cowboy to join this board, but wouldn't it be fun to hear him still trying to argue that Holliday isn't worth his contract.  We just passed the 3 year anniversary of that trade.  Holliday's numbers as a Cardinal (before today):

.316/.397/.541, 80 HR, 284 R, 297 RBI.  That's despite missing almost 40 games last season.

Throw in 3 All-Star appearances.  But I'm sure Cowboy expected more.

He's been blazing for the past 4-5 weeks. The only other guy I can remember who could stay hot that long was Pujols.


7/27/2012 3:59 pm  #47

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

"Sounds like they didn't deserve this one."

Well, Wood was pretty awful. None of the homers was cheap. Yadi's landed somewhere in Wisconsin.


7/27/2012 4:00 pm  #48

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Great.  Babe LeHair representing the tying run.


7/27/2012 4:01 pm  #49

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Scrabble ... buckle your seat belts.
Unless the Cardinals come up with some runs in the ninth, it looks like they'll have to roll out Motte again. Hopefully against the bottom of the order.

Last edited by artie_fufkin (7/27/2012 4:01 pm)


7/27/2012 4:02 pm  #50

Re: 7/27 Day gamecrap

Gosh, it sure would be nice to pull a guy out of the bullpen who could throw 100 mph. If only they had that.

LaHair has homered off of Scrabble once already.


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