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7/28/2012 1:41 pm  #26

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

Whoa that was a tough pitch for Carpenter to take.


7/28/2012 1:44 pm  #27

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

Damn. I thought Scal got that one.


7/28/2012 1:53 pm  #28

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

Not sure why Matheny is leaving Berkman in there, his knee is obviously bothering him ..

     Thread Starter

7/28/2012 2:02 pm  #29

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

I am shocked at how well Kelly did. That first inning was brutal.


7/28/2012 2:05 pm  #30

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

Bah. That was disappointing. I'm going to leave now before I throw something.


7/28/2012 2:06 pm  #31

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs



7/28/2012 2:24 pm  #32

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

I'm in my car. A walk to DeJesus? Cut him after this game.


7/28/2012 2:25 pm  #33

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

Why is Fuentes facing Castro???


7/28/2012 2:26 pm  #34

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

Wow. Castro was safe.


7/28/2012 3:06 pm  #35

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

Yet another demoralizing 1-run loss.


7/28/2012 3:57 pm  #36

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

These games are piling up.


7/28/2012 9:49 pm  #37

Re: 7/28 GC vs. Cubs

The Rockies are terrible. If the Cardinals don't sweep they don't deserve a postseason. Period.


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