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7/29/2012 1:08 pm  #1

7/29 GC vs. Cubs


SS Descalso

RF Craig

LF Holliday

CF Beltran

C Molina

3B Freese

1B Carpenter

2B Greene

P Wainwright


CF DeJesus

SS Castro

1B Rizzo

LF Soriano

RF LaHair

C Clevenger

2B Barney

3B Valbuena

P Maholm


7/29/2012 1:15 pm  #2

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Wind blowing out.


7/29/2012 1:30 pm  #3

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Wind won't help us if were gonna hit GB's to infielders ...
Hopefully Wainwright can get the same result ...

Last edited by don.rob11 (7/29/2012 1:31 pm)

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7/29/2012 1:31 pm  #4

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

How obvious is it that Beltran can't play center field?


7/29/2012 1:32 pm  #5

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

tkihshbt wrote:

How obvious is it that Beltran can't play center field?

Very ..

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7/29/2012 1:32 pm  #6

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

tkihshbt wrote:

How obvious is it that Beltran can't play center field?

It would help if he ran after the ball.


7/29/2012 1:35 pm  #7

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

artie_fufkin wrote:

tkihshbt wrote:

How obvious is it that Beltran can't play center field?

It would help if he ran after the ball.

It would, but I think Matheny should refrain from using one-legged players in center field.


7/29/2012 1:43 pm  #8

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

We can't stop DeJesus

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7/29/2012 1:51 pm  #9

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Cards say, we don't need no steenking help Cubs ....

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7/29/2012 1:56 pm  #10

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

My god this team is just so, so stupid at times.


7/29/2012 2:02 pm  #11

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

If this keeps up, I'm going to watch the water polo game.


7/29/2012 2:09 pm  #12

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Since 2005, the Cardinals have only won the season series at Wrigley once. And it's not like the Cubs were trotting out a bunch of great teams during this period.


7/29/2012 2:11 pm  #13

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Wow, defensive play of the year for the Cardinals right there.


7/29/2012 2:22 pm  #14

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

You guys won't believe this, but I called that 200-foot pop-up for Beltran.


7/29/2012 2:35 pm  #15

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

tkihshbt wrote:

You guys won't believe this, but I called that 200-foot pop-up for Beltran.

Believe me, I believe it.
Maholm channeling his inner Glavine.


7/29/2012 2:49 pm  #16

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

.054 to.077

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7/29/2012 3:22 pm  #17

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Wow. Maholm lost it quick.


7/29/2012 3:27 pm  #18

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Unusual we left the bases loaded, we don't do that very much ..

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7/29/2012 3:50 pm  #19

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Carlos woke up, even if temporarily .. we'll take it ..

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7/29/2012 4:12 pm  #20

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Scrabble left a mess.


7/29/2012 4:13 pm  #21

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Couple of routine outs induced by Boggs.


7/29/2012 4:22 pm  #22

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

The jinx is in.


7/29/2012 4:53 pm  #23

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Trying to get the second wildcard ? Not likely ...

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7/29/2012 5:03 pm  #24

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

Look on the bright side. It wasn't another 1-run loss.


7/29/2012 7:39 pm  #25

Re: 7/29 GC vs. Cubs

That faith I had two days ago is now gone.


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