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8/28/2012 6:17 pm  #1

8/28 GC @ Pirates

jay, 8
skip, 4
holliday, 7
craig, 3
beltran, 9
molina, 2
freese, 5
furcal, 6
westbrook, 1

tabata, 7
snider, 9
mccutchen, 8
jones, 3
alvarez, 5
mckenry, 2
harrison, 4
barmes, 6
mcdonald, 1


8/28/2012 6:54 pm  #2

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Yadi took that in the head , looks like a concussion , just looking at him ...

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8/28/2012 7:05 pm  #3

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Why does this game feel like it's already 15-0?


8/28/2012 7:07 pm  #4

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

don.rob11 wrote:

Yadi took that in the head , looks like a concussion , just looking at him ...

He also looked like he was indicating he got hit in the neck. I hope it's not a broken collarbone. I know that play is considered hard baseball, but it sucks when it happens to your guy.


8/28/2012 7:17 pm  #5

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Westbrook should be settled in now that he has thrown the customary 76 pitches ...

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8/28/2012 7:29 pm  #6

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Why are the Cardinals flailing against a guy who got owned by the San Diego Padres? And this is twice now Jake Westbrook has gotten owned by two minor league lineups.


8/28/2012 8:02 pm  #7

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Pedro Alvarez hitting .396 against the Cardinals and .216 against everyone else.


8/28/2012 8:08 pm  #8

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

This one can't end soon enough ....

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8/28/2012 9:18 pm  #9

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

The Cardinals wouldn't have won this game if Bill DeWitt was the home plate umpire, but Adrian Johnson didn't do them any favors with his random strike zone. If this is his way of retaliating for all the lousy press he got in St. Louis when he blew the call during Santana's 1-hitter, he's a very, very small man.


8/28/2012 10:15 pm  #10

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates


8/29/2012 8:08 am  #11

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

From Yahoo:

Molina suffered a strain to his upper back, left shoulder and neck after Harrison bowled him over, leading with his left shoulder and elbow. But no broken bones were found and no concussion either after Molina underwent X-rays and a SCAT-2 concussion test mandated by Major League Baseball.
But Molina said he nonetheless was sore, especially in the neck and head.

On a completely different subject, is it me, or has Westbrook reverted to suckishness since his option was picked up?


8/29/2012 8:16 am  #12

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Very Steve Trachsel-ish.


8/29/2012 10:37 am  #13

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Yadi needs to sit for a couple days.


8/29/2012 11:32 am  #14

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

APIAD wrote:

Yadi needs to sit for a couple days.

....and it probably wouldn't hurt if Beltran was sitting next to him .

     Thread Starter

8/29/2012 12:07 pm  #15

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

Don't worry, Don, I was told at VEB yesterday that Beltran is still hitting lots of line drives, so there's no need to be concerned.

I swear, VEB is the bastion of terrible sabermetric analysis. Only there would someone say that a guy hitting .208 over the last two months is simply unlucky even though his strikeout rate is through the roof and he's walking as much as Darwin Barney.


8/30/2012 12:11 am  #16

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

tkihshbt wrote:

Don't worry, Don, I was told at VEB yesterday that Beltran is still hitting lots of line drives, so there's no need to be concerned.

I swear, VEB is the bastion of terrible sabermetric analysis. Only there would someone say that a guy hitting .208 over the last two months is simply unlucky even though his strikeout rate is through the roof and he's walking as much as Darwin Barney.

I think alot of times, and not just in the game of baseball by looking deeper you overlook the obvious.


8/30/2012 10:45 am  #17

Re: 8/28 GC @ Pirates

I agree. I love peripheral stats because they can help identify and provide context for the business of a single baseball game, but if someone was watching Carlos Beltran on a daily basis, they would notice that he's lost. Hell, he has said as much himself.


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