There's been lots of bad, sad, mad-making news around the Tuindoh home lately, but moments ago I received the confirmation that one of my papers was accepted at PLoS One. To be fair, getting published in PLoS One is not the kind of thing that leads almost certainly to a prestigious job, such as would a publication in Science, Nature, PNAS, or PLoS Biology, but it's pretty fucking good.
I'm celebrating with a 2 am glass of Franzia Merlot from a box, and the Dick Van Dyke show on DVD.
Max wrote:
There's been lots of bad, sad, mad-making news around the Tuindoh home lately, but moments ago I received the confirmation that one of my papers was accepted at PLoS One. To be fair, getting published in PLoS One is not the kind of thing that leads almost certainly to a prestigious job, such as would a publication in Science, Nature, PNAS, or PLoS Biology, but it's pretty fucking good.
I'm celebrating with a 2 am glass of Franzia Merlot from a box, and the Dick Van Dyke show on DVD.
I have no idea what PLoS One is, but congratulations.
I think there's a drinking game associated with Dick Van Dyke that involves draining your glass every time Mary Tyler Moore says "Oh, Rob!," but I would advise caution if you're swilling wine from a box.
"Why the bad luck or no luck subject though"
Guessing it has to do with the beverage choice.
alz wrote:
Public Library of Science. I had to google it, though.
Congratulations! Why the bad luck or no luck subject though, I thought you were upset when I saw the forum title?
I think everyone in my family is burnt out from working too hard, particularly my wife, who must work full time as a cocktail waitress at a smoke-filled Indian casino in order to support our family, because I have been unable to do so consistently over the past 4 years. I know you just went through a divorce, and I never thought it could happen to me, but we recently started counseling. So, now we're not just broke, we're broke and arguing . . . and that's not good.
I haven't caught a break in a while, but this was a nice one. Turns out one of the anonymous reviewers revealed himself to me, and he is a highly influential silver-back male in my field, and you need people like that to make it in science and academia.
PLoS One publishes some news making research from time to time. The research on the fossil monkey, Ida, was published there, for example.
Some good light reading in there. I took exception to the "Changes in the Molecular Phenotype of Nucleus Pulposus Cells with Intervertebral Disc Aging" article, though. I mean really. How many times can you re-hash that old debate?
artie_fufkin wrote:
Some good light reading in there. I took exception to the "Changes in the Molecular Phenotype of Nucleus Pulposus Cells with Intervertebral Disc Aging" article, though. I mean really. How many times can you re-hash that old debate?
And congratulations, Max.
artie_fufkin wrote:
"Why the bad luck or no luck subject though"
Guessing it has to do with the beverage choice.
Franzia "Chillable Red" is right off the shopping list. As they say in Tel Aviv, "never again".