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5/16/2013 6:29 pm  #1

If I win that $475 million jackpot . . .

This property is sold:

It is the entire top of Squalicum Mountain, which overlooks the city of Bellingham.  Hopefully the backside of the property has views of Mt. Baker, which are obscured from here by some low lying mountains like Squalicum.

5/16/2013 10:41 pm  #2

Re: If I win that $475 million jackpot . . .

"Estimated Monthly Payment: $55,389"

Does someone who can afford to pay ~$15 million for a house even worry about a monthly payment?
You're right though. Nice view.

5/17/2013 9:03 am  #3

Re: If I win that $475 million jackpot . . .

I wonder whwt it would be like tojustgo buy things and not to want.  I almost think life would be boring.  

5/18/2013 10:24 am  #4

Re: If I win that $475 million jackpot . . .

Artie: Yeah, I noticed that, too and thought it was kind of funny.  Anybody who would consider buying a $14 million dollar house with 20% down and monthy payments would probably have such serious credit problems that they would not be qualified to buy it.  "Let's see, I inherited $3,000,000 from my dad's estate, and my wife and I have a combined income of $165,000.  Well, . . . golly, that means the monthly payment is just 1/3 of our salary, which is the recommended maximum from my high school Home Ec class.  Hey, Honey, . . . I think we can afford this house."

AP: If I win, I'll drop you a post card and let you know if I'm bored.  

My Own Two Cents: The size of the lot is a little bit deceiving, because in one place it says 5 acres (which I think must be the size of the part of the lot that needs to be tended to.  In another place, the lot size is listed as "16901280 Square Feet", which is about 388 acres, i.e. a very large chunk of the forested mountaintop.  

This is what the topography looks like when you back out.  Mt. Baker is one of the volcanoes in the same chain with other photogenic volcanoes of the Cascade Mountains, like Mt. Hood and Mt. Ranier (and Mt. St. Helens, for that matter).  We live a couple miles south of this property, on the western edge of that big lake you see, near to the northernmost bottleneck.  Our view of all the big mountains is blocked, because we are too near the little ones.,+Bellingham+WA&hl=en&ll=48.75981,-122.220154&spn=0.460792,1.101379&sll=48.769877,-122.405753&sspn=0.057588,0.137672&t=h&hnear=3940+Isaacson+Rd,+Bellingham,+Whatcom,+Washington+98226&z=10

Last edited by Max (5/18/2013 10:25 am)

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5/18/2013 2:57 pm  #5

Re: If I win that $475 million jackpot . . .

You have to really, really love brown to want that house. 

5/18/2013 3:22 pm  #6

Re: If I win that $475 million jackpot . . .

With $600 million I can redecorate.

Location x3.  

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