"Well the estranged wife is going to be a problem for the NBA."
Good for her. It appears her only character flaw is bad taste in men.
Looks like it's going to get real fun for the NBA.... Both Sterling and his estranged wife are going to lawyer up and not allow the NBA to do what they want. While Sterling might lose due to the agreement he signed while purchasing the team... If he's in front of a judge, he can make the argument that he could have been arrested with a pound of coccaine and four prostitutes in a stolen car, while taking the lords name in vain and running over homeless people.... He gets to keep the team. But say something in private to someone who puts it on the internet, and it's a lifetime ban.
I just don't know how a judge is going to view or value the legality of the NBA owners agreement when it comes time to force a man (and his innocent estranged wife) to sell valuable property.
It will be interesting though, always is when sports has to hit courts to get resolved. On the other hand there's talk of a lot of players boycotting the league if he's still in charge next season. This is shaping up to be utterly delightful. It's good that this happened in basketball, nothing I really care about.
End of the story. Clippers sold for 2billion. 4 times their estimated worth.
Facts I didn't know. Donald Sterling lost control to the trust owning the Clippers some time ago. Though his financial stake was still there, and equal to his wife, she took control of the trust, and therefore would have probably been considered the legitimate owner. This would have really caused issues for the NBA trying to force the sale of a team based on Sterlings private conversation...
However, this fact brings the NBA a totally legitimate new venue... If the ownership transfer was not communicated to the league, that alone would have given them ample legal ground to force the sale (well that's fortuitous)...
End result, Shelly gets a huge sale, Donald and her walk away with a great deal of money. The NBA doesn't have to spent a dollar commited to an attorney getting this team to a new owner. Everyone wins.
My wish: I wish Sterling did own the team and have control of his mental capacity. This would have proved to be a very interesting case where the limits of a private club would be put into light. However, I can't even fathom a world where a private club doesn't have every legal right to collectively approve ownership. That's established, and effectively trumps anything the Sterlings would want to put forward.. It's my guess, but the Sterlings went from "fight" to "flight" very very quickly, and my guess is something like this caused that turnaround.
Anyway I think the story is closed once the NBA owners approve the new owner.