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2/13/2015 4:47 pm  #1

Brian Williams.

Seriously, at some point with all of the stories.... We should look at ourselves as idiots for ever believing half of it....

In a helo that took gunfire? Maybe. At the Brandenburg Gate when the Wall came down? .... maybe. Got a ride from Seal Team 6? I cannot believe anyone bought that....

So America is outraged because this guy embellished (or downright fabricated) his stories? I think we should instead take a long hard look in the mirror and stop blindly believing every stupid thing we're told....

2/14/2015 3:12 pm  #2

Re: Brian Williams.

2/14/2015 8:50 pm  #3

Re: Brian Williams.

2/14/2015 10:14 pm  #4

Re: Brian Williams.

2/14/2015 10:26 pm  #5

Re: Brian Williams.

2/14/2015 11:25 pm  #6

Re: Brian Williams.

2/15/2015 1:38 pm  #7

Re: Brian Williams.

I can't believe he was only suspended for six months. What does he have to do to get NBC to fire him?

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