Momentum had been building anyway, but Wainwright's injury could be the final nail in the coffin for pitchers batting. Combined with the lack of offense, it seems almost a certainty that the new CBA will include the DH in the NL.
I guess I'll eventually get used to it, but I suspect I'm not going to be a fan at first. I guess it will save us the frustration of watching Matheny double-switch his clean-up hitter out of the game.
Now, if only the Cardinals had enough hitters to come up with a viable DH option. Maybe Holliday if he can still hit after 2016.
I thought that almost immediately. I don't know much about Achilles' injuries other than they're more like a cumulative type of thing than a singular event like a muscle pull or a torn ligament. Pressure builds on the tendon, and it snaps. So this may have happened in the very next time he came off the mound to field a bunt, or ran to back up a base, not necessarily because he was running out of the batter's box.
The tendon itself rolls up like a window shade, and surgety is required to re-attach it, and there's usually a calendar year of rehab.
It could have happend on the mound just the same.