Fors, what exactly happened at Missou to warrant this? I haven't been paying attention. Some dudes called some other dudes names, and some dude smeared a pooh swastika on the door or wall of something?
The entire college rallies around itself and the university president has to resign??? Did he poop on that wall? Was he in the truck calling people names?
My god humans in a pack are some of the dumbest creatures in existence.
Here's the best explanation of events I've seen. It's pretty much a farce.
Yeah... Seriously two incidents of name calling, and then everyone jumps up in arms because he's not going after this "systematic racism"?
I don't get people sometimes.
It's getting worse. Campus police sent out an email asking students to reports any incidents of "hurtful speech." While they acknowledge that "hurtful speech" isn't a criminal act, it may subject the offender to school discipline.
Seriously, WTF is that? If I'm a student, and my girlfriend asks me if her jeans make her ass look fat, and I give her an honest answer, I can be expelled???
How is that not a direct violation of the 1st Amendment? Mizzou is a state school.
I should have been a college perfesser who talks about journalism instead of an actual journalist.
"Click holds a PhD in Communication and focuses her research on 'popular culture texts and audiences, particularly texts and audiences disdained in mainstream culture,' according to her faculty page. Her current research projects include '50 Shades of Grey readers' and “the impact of social media in fans’ relationship with 'Lady Gaga.'”
(and then he almost cried tears of joy reading the comments section ...)
Speaking as a wacko liberal, this is one of the things that angers me most about some liberal activists. It is remarkable how often they will try to keep the media away from some of their activities, and try to pin blame for their own issues on “the media.” It drives me BONKERS.
Speaking as another mostly liberal, same here. Im pretty convinced that if the media stayed the fuck away, they would accuse them of ignoring the issue.
Speaking as the media, and a liberal, that is exactly what happens.News Director “Dirty hippies protesting something, maybe we’ll get a VO if there is time, its just going to be them yelling at us.”Dirty Hippie on the phone “Why didn’t you send anybody to cover our protest damn conservative media! It’s your fault we can’t get traction...” Underpaid Assignment editor hangs up phone, head falls on pile of tea party press releases. (For an event where they will scream at us.)
Last edited by artie_fufkin (11/11/2015 10:01 am)
I demand my first amendment rights to be offended . ( or something like that ? )
I seriously want to move to Australia.... This country is stupid.
Another bizarre law, this one in Missouri...
Missouri law which prohibits communication of a life-endangering threat to at least 10 people.
This seems fairly random. I can communicate life endangering threats as long as it's to less than 10 people? How does that make a difference in the crime????
alz wrote:
Another bizarre law, this one in Missouri...
Missouri law which prohibits communication of a life-endangering threat to at least 10 people.
This seems fairly random. I can communicate life endangering threats as long as it's to less than 10 people? How does that make a difference in the crime????
I think that may be Missouri's version of the yelling-fire-in-a-crowded-theater prohibition.
But I agree the 10-people-or-more barometer may be arbitrary, depending upon the quality of the movie.
If you want to become even more infuriated about this incident, read this article from Clay Travis which raises serious questions about whether any of the alleged offenses ever occurred. Travis is normally a complete tool, but he's been pretty spot on with his reporting about this incident.
forsberg_us wrote:
If you want to become even more infuriated about this incident, read this article from Clay Travis which raises serious questions about whether any of the alleged offenses ever occurred. Travis is normally a complete tool, but he's been pretty spot on with his reporting about this incident.
The best part of this story is there's a gay guy whose last name is Head.