Max wrote:
"Back in college, I used to drink four beers before I went out for the night. Now on my best night I get to about five and I'm done."
Knowing your alcohol limit is a good idea, but a limits of 4 or 5 beers, this is middle age. It's the same reason why I don't eat an entire large pizza by myself at a single sitting anymore. Or polish off an entire bag of tortilla chips while watching the first half of a football game.
In the same vein, I think it's time to curtail the longstanding tradition of Taco Night on Sundays. My stomach feels like an active volcano this morning.
artie_fufkin wrote:
"nagging migraines"
Try this: First, cut out caffeine from your diet for a month - coffee, soda, chocolate, whatever. After a month, wash down two buffered aspirin with a can of Coke at the first sign of a migraine. And, if you're in a place where you won't be embarrassed by this, take an ice pack and put it directly where your head hurts, in a dark room.
It's not a cure, but it can lessen the severity and length of your migraines.
Only thing is, I don't have that much of a caffeine intake anymore. I cut back on it at the beginning of the year. I drink caffeinated soda about twice a week, and have a glass of tea every night, so I'm way down. Saturday night I caught another and it hurt so bad I had to shut off every bit of light in my room and throw my forearm onto my eyes.
In other news, David Freese is back!
I cut beer back to almost nothing. The older I get the less I care about the stuff. Maybe warmer weather will bring me out of my funk.
tkihshbt wrote:
artie_fufkin wrote:
"nagging migraines"
Try this: First, cut out caffeine from your diet for a month - coffee, soda, chocolate, whatever. After a month, wash down two buffered aspirin with a can of Coke at the first sign of a migraine. And, if you're in a place where you won't be embarrassed by this, take an ice pack and put it directly where your head hurts, in a dark room.
It's not a cure, but it can lessen the severity and length of your migraines.Only thing is, I don't have that much of a caffeine intake anymore. I cut back on it at the beginning of the year. I drink caffeinated soda about twice a week, and have a glass of tea every night, so I'm way down. Saturday night I caught another and it hurt so bad I had to shut off every bit of light in my room and throw my forearm onto my eyes.
In other news, David Freese is back!
another what?
as for the forearm on the eyes thing, i used to sleep that way but it turns out its not good for your shoulder . . . or your eyes. i have two solutions. one is to get a really good down pillow--the kind that bends and squishes every which way and is lighter than air--and you squish that down over your eyes. the second is a full-on Felix Unger eye mask. i got one of those once when i flew business (and that alone papered over some of the metrosexual aura of those things) and they can be pretty helpful. better still, since my wife has been working swing shifts, i added a double layer of black felt over the windows in the bedroom and it is like count dracula's estate during the daytime, now.
APRTW wrote:
I cut beer back to almost nothing. The older I get the less I care about the stuff. Maybe warmer weather will bring me out of my funk.
me, too. but i replaced it with red wine. and, whereas i had learned my limits with beer back during puberty, i never really established how much wine your are supposed to drink. even worse, i didn't figure out how much wine you are NOT supposed to drink! hence, like 16 year old with a case of beer, i usually drink 'til its gone or i'm asleep .
Carp is still hurt and will miss his next start. TLR says he would start Carp opening day even if he doesnt make another spring training start. This year is going to suck.
Excedrin for Migraines is basically a caffiene pill mixed with some ibuprofrin for the pain.
I get migraines occassionally, and I will have a trigger symptom. For me, my peripheral vision will blur and swirl. When I notice that, I have about 20 minutes to take one of these magic pills. If I do, then I can sleep and just go into the post-game "don't shake your head" headache, which is not great, but manageable. If not, I have a difficult time sleeping with a full on migraine.
So that is why excedrin works so well for me.
APRTW wrote:
Carp is still hurt and will miss his next start. TLR says he would start Carp opening day even if he doesnt make another spring training start. This year is going to suck.
Q: Can Carp still be a staff ace?
A1: Depends on the staff
A2: Depends if Carp can pitch
Last edited by Max (3/08/2011 10:27 am)