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12/01/2014 12:58 pm  #226

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

alz wrote:

I don't have the first clue. I certainly would have done things differently, beginning with not robbing the convenience store, throwing the clerk into the shelve, and ending with me doing what the officer asked me to. I however am not Michael Brown, and because of these differences between us, I'm alive. To ask me to believe, however, that an officer with a good record of 6 years used this stop to intentionally murder an 18 year old black kid in broad daylight for the most minor strong arm robbery ever seen, and not shoot the witness who was right there? That's too far for my imagination to reach without very solid proof.

First, nobody ever said that Wilson set out that day to commit what would amount to first degree murder.

Second, what Brown did at the convenience store is irrelevant to the facts about what happened at the shooting that day, especially since Ferguson PD said that Wilson did not know anything about Brown being a suspect in the robbery, which just so happened to change when giving his testimony.

Third, I still don't believe that human beings, even ones as large as Brown, morph into the Incredible Hulk and charge at a cop who just shot multiple times in your direction.

12/01/2014 1:25 pm  #227

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

tkihshbt wrote:

alz wrote:

I don't have the first clue. I certainly would have done things differently, beginning with not robbing the convenience store, throwing the clerk into the shelve, and ending with me doing what the officer asked me to. I however am not Michael Brown, and because of these differences between us, I'm alive. To ask me to believe, however, that an officer with a good record of 6 years used this stop to intentionally murder an 18 year old black kid in broad daylight for the most minor strong arm robbery ever seen, and not shoot the witness who was right there? That's too far for my imagination to reach without very solid proof.

First, nobody ever said that Wilson set out that day to commit what would amount to first degree murder.

Second, what Brown did at the convenience store is irrelevant to the facts about what happened at the shooting that day, especially since Ferguson PD said that Wilson did not know anything about Brown being a suspect in the robbery, which just so happened to change when giving his testimony.

Third, I still don't believe that human beings, even ones as large as Brown, morph into the Incredible Hulk and charge at a cop who just shot multiple times in your direction.

Someone had to make some crazy decisions. Either Brown came back at him, or Wilson murdered him without cause. There's no middle ground there really.

Witnesses... There's a spreadsheet of all the key points and where the testimony is. It's all over the board. I think 5 witnesses swore Michael Brown was not even present during the exchange, and Darren Wilson was actually on a Buddhist sabatical to better understand flower structures... There's nothing you can accurately rely on there.

Even the closest witness, who was there and saw the whole thing, who stood by and didn't help his friend, and didn't try to calm things down with the cop either. He did and said nothing as his friend was shot down in front of him. He couldn't even tell the Grand Jury how Michael Brown was try to pull away from the cop when he explained he had 2 handfuls of Cigarello's, and 2 hands against the car trying to break free. Apparently Mike Brown morphs into the Hulk, and it comes with two additional arms. Now that's a very threatening human being to reckon with.

     Thread Starter

12/01/2014 1:32 pm  #228

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

Just kind of an idea of where the witnesses were at.

Last edited by alz (12/01/2014 1:33 pm)

     Thread Starter

12/01/2014 1:38 pm  #229

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

I guess this is where my belief for the cop comes in. I'm not sure how you get a guilty conviction off anything when one witness (45) swears MB didn't charge, didn't jump into the car, Wilson repeatedly shot at him when he was down, MB was busy though, somehow facing Wilson, while running away, somehow kneeling with his hands up while being shot at. 

Witness 12 accurately testified there were 9 or 10, I mean 5 or 6, no I mean 8 shots fired.

How in the hell can you prosecute someone with this???
Uh.... tell me someone got a youtube of that magic.... Say what? He did at least have the grace to say that there were 10 or 11 shots fired. 

     Thread Starter

12/01/2014 1:44 pm  #230

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

The name in this is very ironic

Ill take my video of katie upton now

12/01/2014 1:55 pm  #231

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

tkihshbt wrote:

Second, what Brown did at the convenience store is irrelevant to the facts about what happened at the shooting that day, especially since Ferguson PD said that Wilson did not know anything about Brown being a suspect in the robbery, which just so happened to change when giving his testimony.

Third, I still don't believe that human beings, even ones as large as Brown, morph into the Incredible Hulk and charge at a cop who just shot multiple times in your direction.


First (second) point is completely false.  He didnt know it at the time he first saw the subjects.  After briefly interacting with them he figured it out and radioed for another unit.  Even if he never figured it out what happend at the gas station is very relevant because it explain motive and browns behavior.  You could not be more wrong. 

Watch the video i posted.  The guy was shot in the gut and still kicked the officers ass.

12/01/2014 3:14 pm  #232

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

tkihshbt wrote:

I thought it was established that he was facing him and started coming toward him, but the dispute is the manner in which he did it. I just don't know how we go from "he's running away" to "wait a minute, I'm a black demon, so I'll just go back at him."

TK, when it comes to this cases, there aren't many facts that have been uniformly accepted.

As far as why Brown would go back at Wilson, I can't say definitively since I wasn't there. But I don't think its too far of a stretch to think Brown was in "fight or flight" mode. Having just robbed the convenience store, probably the foremost thing in his mind is not going to prison. That's consistent with the altercation at the car. If he doesn't feel he can outrun Wilson, and he isn't willing to just give up and go to prison, then his only other option is to attack. Given that he had apparently got the upper hand the first time, Brown may have felt it was his best option.

4/25/2024 10:43 am  #233

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

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5/14/2024 4:13 am  #234

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

5/14/2024 6:51 am  #235

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

5/19/2024 10:24 am  #236

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

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Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

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Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

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Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

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5/21/2024 8:03 am  #241

Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

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Re: Ferguson riots - Michael Brown.

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