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5/19/2011 5:05 am  #1

5/19/2011 11:48 am  #2

Re: Sharing

Better than a Tequila Sunrise, for sure.

5/19/2011 4:54 pm  #3

Re: Sharing

This town has the prettiest sunsets I have ever seen, and I think they get a little bit better as we get closer to June and the sun starts to set a bit nearer to that volcanic islands in the bay.

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5/20/2011 8:44 am  #4

Re: Sharing

Check out the sunset photo in this Facebook page I just ran across.

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5/26/2011 8:58 pm  #5

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6/04/2011 1:48 am  #6

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6/07/2011 6:44 pm  #7

Re: Sharing


6/07/2011 6:57 pm  #8

Re: Sharing

P5180127 by Max Tollenaar, on Flickr

6/07/2011 11:57 pm  #9

Re: Sharing

Hey pretty cool.  How did you manage to do that without a jpg suffix?

Manado has some of the prettiest sunsets in the world.  I just got back here last night after several weeks of bureaucratic shuffling around between Jakarta and Singapore on a mission where very little of any real consequence gets accomplished.

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6/08/2011 6:46 am  #10

Re: Sharing

In Flickr, click the drop-down arrow above the photo, just to the right of the mail/facebook/twitter icons.  In the "Grab the link" popup window, click "Grab the HTML/BBCode", then select BBCode.  You'll get a link you can copy and paste right in.  Not sure how many other sites make it this easy.

6/17/2011 12:37 am  #11

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