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    Topic Replies Views Last post
    Dammit Al : by don.rob11
    11/20/2017 3:42 pm
    0 1,465
    11/20/2017 3:42 pm
    by don.rob11
    So the post election begins. by alz
    11/09/2016 11:33 am
    0 1,005
    #WriteInARealPresident by alz
    10/20/2016 1:32 pm
    2 1,087
    10/21/2016 10:07 am
    by artie_fufkin
    Our next president by artie_fufkin
    2/10/2016 11:29 am
    4 1,732
    A great headline is worth... by forsberg_us
    8/29/2016 3:32 pm
    3 1,275
    8/30/2016 1:43 pm
    by artie_fufkin
    Curt Schilling for President by artie_fufkin
    8/09/2016 11:41 am
    1 1,076
    8/09/2016 2:28 pm
    by forsberg_us
    Obama on guns by APIAD
    1/05/2016 3:36 pm
    19 4,373
    A brief message from the religion of peace by forsberg_us
    3/19/2014 10:31 am
    2 2,822
    7/02/2014 9:16 am
    by artie_fufkin
    7 2,668
    Obamacare by APIAD
    11/14/2013 11:18 am
    13 3,514
    11/26/2013 1:24 pm
    by artie_fufkin
    How fucked are we? by Max
    3/27/2013 2:06 pm
    0 1,323
    So... North Korea? by alz
    1/24/2013 10:02 am
    7 2,374
    4 more years by Max
    11/07/2012 1:40 am
    9 2,938
    New President. by alz
    7/13/2012 1:02 pm
    0 990
    Board so posting this for pondering. by alz
    1/03/2012 2:32 pm
    6 2,822
    Election test by APIAD
    12/19/2011 8:33 am
    7 2,767
    The power of our government by APIAD
    11/07/2011 12:57 pm
    1 1,623
    All For Nothing by APIAD
    10/21/2011 7:19 pm
    4 2,091
    0 1,171
    2 1,600
    Touchy subject but this makes me sick by APIAD
    5/24/2011 9:42 am
    4 2,317
    Let the man play golf... jesus. by alz
    6/06/2011 2:56 pm
    5 2,272
    colors that end in -urple by Max
    6/04/2011 3:38 am
    5 2,195
    6/05/2011 6:46 pm
    by artie_fufkin
    Which is sicker? by Max
    6/01/2011 6:53 pm
    0 1,017
    Back to '67 borders? by Max
    5/19/2011 5:54 pm
    5 2,338
    14 3,704
    PFC Bradley Manning. by alz
    4/28/2011 1:12 pm
    1 785
    0 736
    2 1,022
    0 828

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